Chapter 1: A blooming start.

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Oikawa Tooru, a very handsome and popular boy~ "Ahhh Oikawa san!" "Oikawa-San, good morning!" Multiple girls would scream his name as he walked down the school hallway with a bright smile on his face while waving at the girls and greeting them. "Good morning" he said with a cheerful smile expect this smile was fake, just a simple deception. He could care less about all the notoriety he received from them. "Oikawa-San!" A girl moved toward him "your hair looks terrific as always!" A light chuckle would come out after she said that "Heh Heh" why thank you very much. "Get away from me you're disgusting" the words echoed in his head before heading to his locker and opening it.

His eyes brightened while he stared at a photo in front of his face, this however wasn't just any photo, it was a photo of the only one he cherished, Haijme Iwaizumi. Oikawa kissed his finger tips and pressed them against the photo "you will be all mine..." he said in a delicate tone before gathering his books and closing his locker.

Oikawa headed to his classroom greeting everyone as he entered, his brown eyes scanned the classroom before his face turned to dissatisfaction as he took a set "he's late again huh...what if a girl is talking with him and trying to get his number..." Oikawa frantically clicked on his pen as the negative thoughts filled his head finally stopping after hearing a voice that was too familiar.

"Oi, Are you alright?" Standing in front of him was no other than Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi Hajime. Oikawa was in complete awe as he admired the handsome face in front of him before giving a smile and responding "I am wonderful as always of course" Iwaizumi took a sit next to Oikawa. "Pfft? Seems like to me you were thinking very hard about something, so what was It? " Oikawa didn't answer but instead decided to ask a question of his own "Why were you so late today Iwa-Chan?"

Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at his friends question "what do you mean? Classes don't start until 8:30" it was currently 8:25.  "Well you normally get here before me so where were you and what were you doing exactly?" Iwaizumi shook in fear, Oikawa's face was completely cheerful but his eyes gleamed through like daggers. "I just went to buy some lunch because I woke up late this morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast" his breathing started to get heavier as the eyes continued the stare into his soul, the truth was he was scared of Oikawa, in reality he wanted to evade him at all cost an yet here he sat together with him; asking if he is alright, did he love Oikawa or was this just something he is so use to doing since they've know each other for so long.

~Flash back~

"Rawr!!" A young Iwaizumi walked around the play ground stomping his feet pretending to be a dinosaur "Wahhhh!" Stopping as he heard a faint yet loud cry and the distance and followed the noise as it lead to a small weeping boy "He Looks about my age..., Hey what are you crying about?" He approached the boy who was sitting on the going obviously crying about something. "P-Please.... don'" The boy lifted his head and look up at Iwaizumi, his big brown eyes all cloudy as tears streamed down his small cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Did you get bit bug or something?" Crouching down to his level "N-No...I-I...was..." before he could finish three boys appeared behind him, they look to be about three years older. "Oh so the crybaby is still here? I thought we told you to leave and never come back" "Yeah" two voices echoed next to him as the intimidating voices made Oikawa flinched; too scared to move "Hey what's your problem!?" The bully pushed his foot up against Oikawa's backside "What are you deaf and stupid?" "hahaha!" The two boys who were with him started to Laugh "Deaf and stupid, get out of here loser!"

"And why should he?" The unfamiliar voice startled the bullies, they were so focused on Oikawa that they didn't even notice Iwaizumi that was now standing infront of them "Oh so you've brought a little friend with you this time?"

"Why don't you go pick on someone your own size!?" Iwaizumi huffed "this playground belongs to the community not just you!"

"Pfft, even if you were my age you would still be half my size shorty" all three of the bullies started laughing iwaizumi was fairly short especially as a child and this was something that wouldn't really change when it came to
Oikawa "If you want to stand up for such a loser then go ahead" Oikawa dropped his head more still not saying anything.
This only made Iwaizumi irritated as he clutched his fist tightly together "He's my friend, why else would I not stand up and defend him" unpon hearing those words Oikawa looked up at Iwaizumi as he has never heard such words before, he has never had a friend or encountered somebody who wanted to be his friend. The smile and words from the boy he that was standing right in front of him caused something to enlighten within him, after that day the bullying ended and the two started spending time together, becoming real friends.

~End of flash back~

He was caught in a daze only snapping out of it upon hearing the bell ring. "Heh, looks like I'm not the only one that's deep in thought" Oikawa snickered.

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