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                                                                             * Amanda in the media*

Amanda pov:

I wake up with a really bad headache. I groan and made my way to the mini refrigerator that i had in my room for water. I see that the bottle was empty. "Really?" I said to myself. I slip my shoes on and open my door only to see Sara standing in front of my door. 

"Uh what are you doing here?" I said with a scared look on my face. She just looked at me up and down stepped towards me as i stepped back. "I want you to stay away from Allison. Your a bad influence on her and she doesn't need that. Like i said stay away from her." Sara said and she walked away. I hurried and shut my door and lock it. I ended up not going to sleep because i felt like she might hurt me in my sleep.


Allison pov: 

I wake up to see Sara already getting ready. "Oh hey. Your up early." I said getting up out of bed. "I have class just like veryone else on the campus." Sara chuckled. I pointed at her to let her know she is absolutely right. 


" I catch you later?" I asked Sara . "Sure will. Just shoot me a text when you are going to get lunch." She walked away as soon as i turned around i see Amanda standing there with a scared look on her face. "Oh my . What's wrong?" I asked in a worried way. Because i was. It look like someone just threatened to take her life away. 

"That creepy ass rommate of yours she was in front of my dorm room in the middle of the night ! That bitch is weird ! I'm telling you .. y-y-you need to talk to her man."

"Amanda calm down. And what are you talking about ? She was in our room last night and this morning. You know what? I think you are jealous im starting to make new friends. It's okay Amanda i will never replace you. EVER. Now here have this." I gave her my coffee and a kiss on the cheek and made my way to class.


* narrators pov*

When Allison walked away and left Amanda standing there. Amanda seen Sara staring at her across the courtyard. 

Amanda hurried and ran off. 


The bell began to ring and Allison walks out of her classroom only to be greeted by Jason. "Hey there  grasshopper." Allison laughed at the name he gave her. "Grasshopper? Really ? How romantic." She chuckled. "So what are you doing later ?" 

"Oh um nothing reall y. Why?" 

"Well i wan to show you arorund L.A . I heard you from New York so why not show you my city . It's not that bad." Jason said sneakingly wrapping is arm around Allison as they walk.

"Sure why not. And i seen that. " She laughed. Jason started to blush  and moved his arm but Allison put it back letting him know it was okay she didn't mind.

They smiled and talked for a while. Next thing you know they were in front of a bright red crusier . 'Wow is this your car ?" 

"Yup. Well it was my dads but he gave it to me for a present to start off my freshman year. " Jason said as he opened the passenger door for Allison.  "Why thank you kind sir." They both giggled. Allison got in the car and Jason ran to  the driver side and got in. He drove out of the parking lot. In the shadows stood Sara with an angry look on her face as she watch them drive away. 


"Oh wow this is beautiful." Allison said as she passed the painting in the the museum. "I'm glad you like it. Ya know art is my favorite thing in the world. You can make art out of anything like music, drawings , paintings , writing , and also film. It's so beautiful to see other people work and i think it's interesting to try and think of what kind of story the artist is trying to tell through their art.." Jason stop talking when he caught Allison staring at him. 

" Sorry for talking so much." He nervously chuckled . 

"No no your fine. I think it's refreshing to hang out with a guy who doesn't just want to just fuck and leave and just come back into your life and pretend like everything is okay... when its not because he can't just do that...well he can but-." She paused and laughed. "Now im talking to much now." They both shared a laugh and began looking at other paintings.


Back at the dorms at UCLA Sara stared at her phone. Looking at it like she was waiting on something to happen to it .  Hours have passed. She sat in the same spot looking at her calling list. Sara called Allison 30 times and no call back from Allison she ended up throwing her phone across the room. 

She hears someone walk into the room. "Allison." She clicked on her lamp. "Sara ? Your still up?" 

"Yeah i called you so many times . I got worried." 

"Shit. I'm sorry my phone must have died."

"Yeah. Right. Where were you?" Sara asked.

"With friends. Wow didn't know my mom moved in with me here." Allison laughs.

Sara stepped up to Allison which caused her to be taken back . "Im just trying to look out for you! These people here don't care about you! I do! I'm your real friend. And oh that Jason guy is going to break your heart into two so you minus well give up now!"

"Wow someone sound jealous. Think you need to get to bed."

Sara gave her look and returned back to the side of her room. Allison had a what the hell look on her face. But she shrug off Sara's behavior tonight and went to bed.


Amanda pov:

It was late and i was just coming from a party. I didn't drink much tonight which was a surprise to me. But i was sticky because some bitch decided to spill fruit punch on me. I ran to my dorm room and grabbed my basket that i take to the showers with me with all my hygiene things in it.

I was so happy that i had the whole bathroom to myself. I began showering and singing 'Toosie Slide' by Drake.  I was singing so loud to the point i didn't hear someone walk in. "Amandaaa." Someone sung my name low. Which caused me to stop singing. "Hello? Anyone there?" I shouted. I stepped out the shower with my towel wrapped around me . I didn't see anyone so i turned back around to go continue showering when i seen someone standing there in all black. 

I didn't waste no time and ran for my life. I was so close towards the door till they grabbed my hair pulling me towards the shower i left on. They pushed me towards the ground and stepped on my face. 

"Stay the hell away from Allison. How many fucking times to i have to tell you ?! Your bad for her! Your ruining her fucking life you party slut!" They shouted in my face. I had no idea who this was but i remember someone telling me the same thing the other day. 

"Okay. Okay i will just please don't hurt me." I cried out. They reached down to my belly piercing and ripped it out . I felt my soul leave my body and i screamed for dear life as i seen blood going down the water drain.


*back to narrators pov*

Sara made her way back to her and Allison's dorm room in a rain coat that was soaked. But it wasn't raining out. She made sure she got in quietly so she won't wake Allison. She takes off the the coat and just sit there looking at sleeping Allison. "I'll do anything for you. Anything." Sara whispered to Allison although she was asleep.

 authors note :

sorry for the short chapter my fingers are killing me . pls support me. follow , like, and vote. ❤

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