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(a/n: may the best be left standing.) 

Geneva: So, who is 'Grooves' anyway? 

Expresso and Geneva walked through the corridors of the studio's special rooms down in the basement, as Expresso walked ahead, looking for another room to show Geneva. 

Expresso: Oh! DJ Grooves is the other director that also works here at Dead Bird Studio. He's on the other side of the studio from my dad. 

Geneva: Oooh, like they share the place? 

Expresso: Yeah, basically! 

Geneva: Are they on good terms with one another? 

Expresso: Eh... Competiton and rivalry gets in the way. But, I don't think either of them would want the other to be replaced, so I would say so! But most people wouldn't know that, for I have the higher up! 

Geneva chuckles, as Expresso began marching during her last sentence. Expresso was so much more positive and cheerful compared to Geneva. It was like a polar opposite, but they did have similarities, from what she could tell. But overall, Geneva could even compare Expresso to the sun, and herself would seem like the moon. 

Expresso: Oh, this room! Come look at this, Geneva! 

Expresso opened the door to a light-filled room, large posters on the wall to their right. Many mirror were lined up vertically, making this a makeup or dressing room possibly. 

Geneva: Wow.. 

Expresso: Geneva, look! 

Geneva looked at the posters above, and her eyes widened when seeing Hat Kid on all three of them. These movies had Hat Kid as the star! 

Geneva: Hold on, Hat Kid was in these movies? 

Expresso: Yep! By both Conductor and Grooves! And from what I heard, both of them were serious hits! Hat Kid rocked her roles, from what they've said in the ratings and reviews! 

Geneva: Huh.. Didn't know Hat Kid had it in her. What kind of movies do you and your dad film? 

Expresso: We usually film western action type movies, while Grooves is more into space and drama! Isn't that cool? 

Geneva: Aren't you and your dad rivals to Grooves? 

Expresso: Well yeah, but I can't help but support everyone, you know? Guess it's just in my genes to always be supportive of other people's works! 

Geneva: That's sweet of you.. I don't think I could ever match the type of positivity you have. 

Expresso: Aww, don't say that! Who knows? Maybe that can change in your future, you never know! 

Expresso excitedly skips out of the room, as Geneva follows calmly with a smile. After showing Geneva a couple more rooms, Expresso led her to one of Grooves' old recording areas. 

Expresso: I think this is where Grooves filmed his latest space movie! Check out all the green screens! 

Geneva: Yep, a lot of green.. What are they for? 

Expresso: The editors can make the green be replaced with a galaxy in the footage, making it more believeable as a movie in space! A lot of films use this kind of thing, to replace backgrounds and textures. 

Geneva: You really know a lot, huh? 

Expresso: Well, my dad does this kind of stuff, so I'm bound to have the same knowledge someday! Plus, I wanna be able to entertain people like this when I grow up. 

Take On The Role - A Hat In Time Fan-Made StoryWhere stories live. Discover now