the scarf

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The northuldra was filled with joy and most mischievous children and lot of reindeers. Northuldra and arendelle were separated by four columnar walls which holds a special symbol in them each indicates a spirit.

The people of northuldra had knowledge about the magical river called ahtohallan. It said all the answers about the past and that's how water has its memory. Not only that the people of northuldra also make their children put in sleep with a ahtohallan lullaby.

Since iduna was the last girl of the northuldra leader he granted her a reddish brown scarf which was passed by their ancestors. It was cozy on top of that it had special secrets too! The young iduna was intelligent girl she noticed those signs and asked her father "Does these indicate the magical spirit of this land" her father was quite shocked at her knowledge and wanted to teach her more about that so, he replied "you have smart head iduna do you know what the middle place deserves!?" iduna had never known about it but she doesn't want to give up and thought all things related to this her father saw her face for a while turned up to say it "it is a place for a 5th spirit" iduna exclaimed in shock and said "WHAT! A 5th spirit... I have never known about it" her father chuckled and continued "yeah, when the ahtohallan choose the 5th spirit. It calls them with a mysterious a voice" for a moment iduna went up in silent and her father turned smile for her reaction...

Soon after that some northuldra people called the leader and said "there is a situation going on!" and her father left her and went to check of on the other hand iduna was so happy to get a amazing scarf from her father...

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