四 : chocolate cake

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haseul sipped her iced tea, waiting again for vivi in the park with a box of chocolate cake with her. she wanted to know more about vivi and she's here, mumbling her favorite song again as she sat down on her usual bench.

minutes later, vivi came. but today was different, she's with a guy - and both of them were giggling, looking like a happy couple. haseul wanted to leave, but it's too late. vivi saw her and called her, when she turned around, there was vivi and the guy who's in her pictures.

haseul smiled awkwardly, "vivi, hi."

vivi smiled that made haseul's heart fluttered, it's almost perfect but there's a guy, she almost looked like a third wheel or something.

"i saw you here earlier and i was surprised to see you leaving that's why i called you.", vivi muttered, never loosed the smiles in her face.

"oh, um, i forgot my diary in my car and yeah, i was about to get it.", haseul replied and prayed for vivi to believe her lie.

vivi giggled, "oh, i almost forgot." vivi called the guy, "this is haewook, my bestfriend since childhood." she muttered while the guy named haewook smiled.

"and wook, this is haseul. my friend.", vivi continued.

haseul was slightly confused. wait, best friend? aren't they a couple or something?

"oh, i thought both of you are couple."

vivi laughed, "oh we get that a lot. but nope, we aren't. we're cousins slash bestfriends."

haseul felt a stang of pain was stolen inside, she felt relieved know their cousins.

haewook slightly coughed, "ladies, i have to go now for work.", he said and kissed vivi's cheeks before he left.

if only haseul didn't knew they're cousins, she would thought they're a couple. they look close enough and have known each other for a long time.

"what do you got there?", vivi asked, eyeing the box of chocolate cake on haseul's hand.

haseul smiled, "oh, brought this. i thought you'd like to eat cake."

vivi clapped like a child, obviously excited and giggled. "perfect, it's my favorite flavor to be honest."



both of them chuckled and went to find for a table. they opened the box and the aroma of the cake smelled delicious. haseul handed a plastic fork to vivi and they started eating.

as they eat the cake, they talked about a lot of things. like each other's favorites and hobbies. vivi mentioned she's a chinese, she was born there and just moved in here in korea when she was five. haseul also knew that vivi likes iced tea. vivi seemed so talkative even though her korean speaking's a bit slow but haseul always finds it cute.

months passed and haseul's feelings were getting deeper. she knew she had fallen for vivi long time ago but she kept on declining it. but now, she had realized she loved vivi.

they hold each other's hands as they went to the park, haseul knew that vivi finds it normal but for haseul, it means everything. whenever vivi would smile at her, her heart would beat fast and it's not good anymore, she has to let it out and confess her feelings.

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