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Normal pov

Hiccup was currently sitting in his car with some of his soo called 'friends' and currently just outside a store where The schools principal's car was parked he was not kiding

Half an hour later hiccup saw him walking out holding some bags

"Alright its him right there"Hiccup pointed to the clueless principal he was not ready for what's coming for him

Everyone putted their mask on and when he was close enough they ran to him hiccup was the first one to puch him right square in the face the principal then it was the rest of the boys who kicked him not to death but just like a warning then they left hiccup quickly pulled away and drove straight to professor carson's house he was in for it

Stopping next to a tree for the shadow he will wait here until he comes back from somewhere since there was no car in the driveway

When they saw the car pull up it parked then hiccup was alone for this one he ran to the door of the car opened it and punched him straight in the face

"HEYY"Carson was trying to defend himself but hiccup's fist will leave black eye when hiccup was satisfied he ran back to the car got in and speeded off before the professor could have called the police


Hiccup drove his car to the garage parked it and went inside his parents like usual where waiting for him and like always they are gonna argue

As soon he turned the corner to the living room he saw his parents watching tv his dad saw him and sighed

"Hiccup"Stoick said hiccup sighed

"Yes?"He replied already knowing where this was going

"Didn't we talked about your not gonna be coming late"Stoick said hiccup sighed he walked in the living room and sat down

"I had some buissness to handle and it was just important"He replied stoick just nodded

"Look son since heath--"Hiccup cutted his dad right off

"NO!...i don't want to her that bitch's name ever"He said coldly stoick sighed valka did the same

"Hiccup...we know what she did to you but she came over here today and apologized and we---He didn't wanted her to say what he was thinking she will because he knew he will go insane literraly

"Mom i love you but please don't say those words"Hiccup was shaking with anger

"Listen son she was trully sorry and we forgived her"Once those words left her out hiccup flipped out

"Mom i will say these very calmly while i when that bitch did what she did i said to you two if i see her ever again i am gonna kill someone"Hiccup looked up and straight into his parents eyes

"But i don't know if i will kill myself or i will kill that guy"He got up from the couch he grabbed his car keys

"Where are you going?"His dad got up her mom was almost crying she got up also

"Son you can't i don't let you leave i don't want you too hurt anyone"Valka said slowly crying but she walked to her son and wrapped her arms around his

He shaked her off and looked at her

" know how much i suffered from that bitch you know what i did for her...YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HER!..then YOU DECIDE TO FORGIVE HER"He turned away from his parents

"Just think about what you two just did because maybe it has costed me"And with that he went to the garage got in his car and raced out of driveway into the night...


Astrid was waken up by her alarm it was currently 6am school time yay well...not anymore the first day of school are always fun until you get used to your friends

Getting up from bed she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face she is not the type of girl who wast half of her life for makeup not that really needs it

Changing into her outfit of the day meaning a black simple t-shirt with some blue jeans and black af1's
Smiling at her reflection she walked out her room to downstairs it was 6:30currently still a lot of time left

Her mom was cooking breakfast like everyday

"Morning Mom"she went a kissed her cheek for some reason she felt extra happy today
Her mother smiled at the affection and looked at her daughter weird

"What happened to my daughter"She asked smiling

Astrid glared at her in a funny way
"Ha ha i don't know i just feel very happy today"She told her mother nodded she served breakfast some eggs and bacon like always

Finished up it was 7am time to go
"Alright mom i need to go see you later"And with that she was out the door walking towards school


Last night i didn't get any sleep really i just can't believe my parents its just crazy to me they are the one forgiving when i am the one hurt but i don't care anymore if she comes over again and i am there

I will slap her soo hard even her grand children will feel it but enough of that bitch time to clear my mind

I was tired as hell like always when it was time for school just like always but this time i really need to go and sleep and first period is math

I smirked let's how that carson looks like right now

I walked to my usual place and sat down i saw astrid coming towards me since her place is next to mine

"Hey"She said i windened my eyes did she really just said hey after me being rude at her i looked at her she was smiling i smiled back

Now looking at her face to face i won't lie she is very beautiful and those eyes bleu that's my favorite color now i might paint my G-Wagon blue

"Hey"I replied looking still at her

"Did you hear what happened to Prof Carson and the principal"She asked looking excited i guess to say the news only if she knew

"Nope why what happened "I asked just to play along you have to

"Well it looks like last night Prof Carson and the Principal got jumped by some guys everyone is talking about it"She said i tried not to smile

"Well he deserves it he is such a jerk"I said then looked at the door i teacher walked in she was ugly as hell its just sad really

"Good Morning Everyone today as you might know Proffesor Carson could't make it since he was jumped last night he is getting treated last nice the principal is the same"She said i swear i tried my self not to start laughing

"Does the police know who did it?"Asked not other than Fishleg of course he would ask that

"Well we don't know who is it but we will find out soon enough and he will be in big trouble"..."Now since he didn't left any work you will have a free period just don't start yelling please"She finished then she turned to walk to the desk

I swear from the side she is uglier jesus
"Ugly ass teacher"I said it to nobody but i guess astrid heard it

Then i received a punch on my arm
"Ow...what was that for"I asked rubbing my arm where she hit it this girl know how to punch

"You are being mean you should be a little nicer"She said i looked at her weird she is weird...and i like it

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