Telling The Thruth

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The couple where sat down at hiccup's usual table
Astrid was sitting next to hiccup like always while ruff and tuff where infront of them

Then james walked inside the cafeteria with some other boys next to his side...this couple of days he changed a lot and for the worst


"James really changed this couple of days"Ruff said well looks this is our topic now

"Yeah he changed a lot"Astrid said this time and thing is i was not really interresed in talking about him i already want to kill him literally and i need much more that will push the over the edge

I saw james look in my way and he just smirked if he thinks he is scaring someone then he is wrong

Then we where just staring eachother then he just looked away and he looked astrid i could he right true him he was disgusting and now his new "friends" where also looking at her...mistake made

And now everyone around me where talking about james even astrid and to be honest i didn't want to hear and it was already time for me to go

I got up from the seat and of course looked at me

"I forgot something"i smiled at her she nodded and then back to james again...of course i sighed

I started walking towards the hallway where i noticed also that james and his new friends of group followed me

As i was walking outside i started walking to my car i dare them to come to me

I opened the door and i saw them still follow me...okay

"Haddock"James said i sat in my car

"What do you want"I asked already anmoyed of his voice he was one of this high pitched voice he is like a girl

"To fight if your not a pussy tell me when to pull up and where"Okay now he is really pissing me off


When astrid noticed james following hiccup he called eret and snoutlout they are the only ones who will ever consider fighting

They followed them trying not to be noticed

They stopped just outside where they can clearly see hiccup talking with james and out of no where hiccup pushed james against his car hard...ouch

"Listen don't know with who your messing with your very lucky i gave you all this chances but listen very carefully"Hiccup was literally bullying his new friends at the same time they looked scared

"If i ever see you looking at astrid or even talking to her"He leaned in closer to his ear"Remember that night in the parking lot...yeah do something and i will make sure its you who gets raped"He then pulled him to his car so he can look inside

"You see whats under the seat"Hiccup pointed to the gun just under the driver seat it was hidden but still visible if you really look at it

Now james really got scared when he saw that he started nodding

Hiccup then pushed him

He got in his car and then just drove off to cool down


When i saw james literally scared for his life he was running towards us since the door is next to us

When i stopped him i had to ask what happened

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