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it was 7 am. taeyong was making breakfast for himself in the small kitchen of their dorm. the sun was shining through the closed blinds, making the room look very aesthetically pleasing.

taeyong was a sucker for aesthetic things. he himself was an aesthetic person - dressed aesthetically, lived aesthetically, was attracted to aesthetic people. so, when jaehyun walked into the living room shirtless, with messy hair, not to mention, the morning sun shining on him, taeyong deadass stopped eating his cereal, the spoon stuck in the air and his lips slightly parted.

"HMMPPHAAAAAHH," jaehyun stretched, "did you make something for me too?"

taeyong coughed inaudibly, "no, sorry. there isn't really any food in the fridge. and i kinda used all the milk for my cereal over here," he motioned to the bowl.

jaehyun over to the fridge and opened it, "you weren't lying. there's literally nothing. didn't we go to the market yesterday?"

"no, but i guess we'll have to today," taeyong said while chewing.

"ah well," jaehyun closed the refrigerator, opened a drawer with utensils inside, grabbed a spoon, and sat next to taeyong, "i'll just eat from you."

"i— nO DON-ughhh you're so gross," taeyong watched as jaehyun took his bowl and ate a spoonful of cereal. his cheeks were big and when he smiled sweetly, taeyong rolled his eyes HARD.

"mmm this is so gooooodddd. what cereal is this?" jaehyun said with a full mouth.

"i don't know. i found in a cupboard," taeyong murmured, resting his chin on his hand. he didn't mean to, but taeyong's eyes trailed down to jaehyun's naked body while the latter was stretching.

"ew your armpits smell. go take a shower," taeyong got up and went to his room.

"i smell great, what do you mean," jaehyun acted snobby, "YOU LOOK CUTE WHEN EMBARRASSED, BY THE WAY."


"and so he said : i think we should take a break. like what the hell."

"wait what's happening?" taeyong just arrived at their lunch table with a food tray.

"sicheng basically paused his and yuta's relationship," donghyuck replied.

"like i didn't do anything. also, we're roommates now so if he's going to ignore, i'll go insane. no joke," yuta took his head into his hands.

"just go fuck him raw. better yet, when both of you are angry," ten suggested enthusiastically.

everybody at the table - haechan, taeyong, yuta looked at ten with a 'really?' face.

"anyways. where's doyoung? ...and jungwoo?" taeyong yet again asked.

"oh, doyoung is sick and his mom didn't let him come to school. and jungwoo is probably somewhere trying to flirt," donghyuck said.

the 4 guys sat there, talking and eating 'okay' food. donghyuck talked about how he pranked a boy named jisung from their class and mark scolded him afterwards. it's not that donghyuck's mean or a bully, he just does it from love...sometimes.

as they were eating 3 dudes came to their table and stood like zone bars - from shortest to tallest. it was the one and only... foreign swaggers or better know as mark, johnny and jaehyun.

"MARK!!" donghyuck smiled so bright, it could kill.

"donghyuck-ah hi," mark came closer to haechan and they did their handshake and hugged at the end.

meanwhile yuta and ten stood up from the table and instead of going between johnny and jaehyun like ten did, yuta went to his dorm. probably trying to find sicheng.

"hi, you twoooo," ten put his arms around johnny and jaehyun, "as i understand, you two have met, right?" he motioned between taeyong and johnny.

"yes, we have," johnny replied.

"waiiittt i didn't know that you were rooming with ten, johnny," taeyong was a bit surprised.

"well i said it was number," johnny laughed.

while taeyong and johnny were talking about all of this being a funny coincidence, ten and jaehyun were mildly flirting with each other.

johnny saw that and slowly tried remove ten from jaehyun's arm.

"ten, we should go to the market," johnny said.

"but it's 12 pm now. can you even go? don't you have classes?" taeyong was a bit confused.

"no, the teacher let us go, so we can, y'know, settle in even if we did that yesterday," ten replied enthusiastically yet again, "but okay john. i'll go with you even if it's painful," he acted hurt.

"also, i'll see you around, cutie," ten winked at jaehyun who winked back slightly bitting his lip.

and now there were just jaehyun, taeyong, haechan and mark. though the markhyuck pair was in their own world laughing at some kind of a video.

"okay, haechan. imma go to my next class. see you later?" taeyong got up from his seat.

"yeah sure hyung," donghyuck didn't even look at taeyong. he was looking at mark, who was laughing at the phone.

taeyong nodded and started to walk away from the cantine.

"mind if i join you?" jaehyun fastened his pace to catch up with taeyong.

"sure," taeyong mumbled and continued to walk, not caring if jaehyun is catching up or not.

"i like your hair color. it looks so cute," jaehyun said while combing his own hair with his hand.

"thanks," taeyong replied.

both men walked in silence to taeyong's class. they bid their goodbyes and taeyong opened his classroom's door, but suddenly was pulled back by a hand on his waist. taeyong met with jaehyun's face so close, it was highkey awkward.

"see you later!" jaehyun smiled brightly with his eyes closed, showing his dimples, took his hand off of taeyong's waist and left.

i—- what, taeyong walked into the classroom feeling slightly uncomfortable from the previous events.

1000 WORDS?????? excuse me maam this was not planned. did not proof read cuz l8z

𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 // j.jh x l.ty Where stories live. Discover now