Chapter 2- The truth

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"Hey" Normal voice

"Hey" Whispering

'Hey' Thought

"Hey" Shouting

"Hey" On the phone or someone saying something on a earpiece.

"Hey" A message on anything.

"Test" Anything like time, location, etc.

POV: Nate

Time: 10:00 PM

Date: Error

Location: Nate's new home

I sighed and looked around, waking back and forth due to being stressed out. "Why did I agree to what they asked? I could have... wait I hear voices." I mumble as my ears twitch, hearing the K/DA members.

???: "Look Ahri all I'm saying is-"

Ahri: "Hush he may hear us!" She then mumbles, "Maybe I shouldn't have told Akali that I like the new guy... she tends to be loud when she finds these types of things out and always risks so much"

I shrug off the feeling that had, was it love? Impossible I wasn't capable of love I thought, the doctor gave me.. 'Shit I forgot I don't have that medication do I?' I then look up the next time K/DA has their concert, it's tomorrow which means its time to prove myself to them that I can be trusted. I decided to go to sleep after taking off my flannel and T-shirt, but I had a feeling that this won't be a dream that I'd be used to.

Inside of Nate's 'dream':

Wolf-2: "... did it work?" this voice was so familiar, it was my second in command, Wolf-2, I chose her because she kept me in check like a friend would, I was glad that I met her but then I see her eyes widen "EVERYONE, IT WORKED!"

Me: "Where the..? wait how are we in my room?" I heard laughter as I sit through an explanation of how I was on earth while I sleep in the other, more advance like planet of earth, and how they tried to get ahold of me for so long though I was warned we cant speak for long, "I... ok..... wa-" I was cut off and I wake up

End Dream.

I wake up and look around. It's 0600, 6am, I woke up at the right time as I get my gear, choosing my back up primary, my knife, and my pistol, I get the experimental suit ready in case I need it, I also get dressed in my normal attire and pull my mask so its sitting around my neck though I decide to let my part wolf side show, and feel a tattoo on my neck appear, as I check in the mirror that it's a wolf tattoo and I laugh at that. "Fitting." I then put my boots on making sure that the design on them is showing. I don't put on my hat due to finding that it hurts the wolf ears. I then put the rifle so it rests across my chest held by a strap and my knife in my pocket and the pistol in the holster, both guns are suppressed and I go downstairs. "I'm ready whenever you all are."

Ahri: "About time you showed up Nate." Ahri states as Evelynn smirks.

Evelynn: "He's ready, I can see it in his eyes." Evelynn states as I roll my eyes.

Me: "I already know the entire buliding, we should go now so we dont waste time." I nod as 2 clones of me appear, ready to take orders, as I speak to the first clone. "You both shall escort them to the bus, I'll summon you later if I need to ok?"

Both clones: "Yes sir!" They walk out, escorting Ahri, Evelynn, Akali, and Kaisa onto the bus as they check to make sure the bus isn't rigged before disappearing as I walk onto the bus and start it up. The drive ended up taking a few hours to get to the stadium, as we reach the back entrance.

Me: "Stop, something seems odd here." I turned around and noticed something red on Ahri's heart, at the time all I could do is tackle her to take the shot myself, sadly it pierced my arm though thankfully not my heart. "Damn, sniper! Get back into cover!" I pull out my rifle, switching to semi-auto, firing where the sniper was at. I fired until I had to reload, getting to cover I then changed  mags, cursing.

(Not mine!)

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(Not mine!)

All the fire had stopped and I then escorted K/DA into where their concert was, thankfully in anticipation I got there early, after awhile I decided to lay back, and I start listening to my music as my clones kept an eye out and warn me in case something happens.

Time Skip to after K/DA's concert

Me: "Great concert, though it's not my type I won't judge." I hear my earpiece go off.

???: "Did we get through to him? Hello? Is this Wolf-1? Or should I call you Wolf Actual?"

Me: "Who the hell is this?!"

???: "It's me-" The voice cuts out for some reason.

Me: "Hello? Are you there?!"

(A/N:) 847 words, also sorry for the cliff hanger, I'm trying to think who to make this, if you by chance have an OC that would fit for Nate's second in command, aka Wolf-2 then message me, I'd honestly love all of you guy's and girl's suggestions so that it would help, and as always, see you next week or 2 hopefully, it's hard to update with my job irl so I try.)

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