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When Gideon came to, she was honestly surprised to still be alive. Her entire body ached tremendously, making even the slightest movement a chore. However, she looked around the ship anyway, trying to find the person who had spared her life.

Her abdomen was tightly wrapped, Gideon feeling the familiar tug of stitches under her bandages. She pushed herself up, finding that the blood had been cleaned off of her hands.

As she reached a hand to her bruised face, she found it absent of blood as well.

What kind of person was he? One moment he was void of any emotion they had previously shared. He was going to kill her. He was killing her.

So how was she still alive?

She saw him lounged in the pilot's chair, his eyes drooped shut, head nodding in a light slumber. They were out of hyperspace, chilling in the middle of a neutral system, cloaked from any ships that might pass.

How long had they been sitting in the Outer Rim?

Gideon carefully brought herself to her feet, being careful of her treated wound. Her head was still foggy and dazed, pain still rippling down her side (but significantly less so). It took her a moment to regain balance.

"You shouldn't be up." Kylo called, eyes still closed, "You'll tear your stitches."

The woman froze, leaning against the wall to keep herself from falling over. One arm protectively held her side, the other gripping the wall tightly.

"You saved me." She said, blinking back the dizziness and exhaustion in her eyes, "Why?"

Kylo spun around, running a hand down his tired face. He looked annoyed that she had woken him up, probably exhausted from the last day of travel.

"You should be resting." He eyed her suspiciously, "Sit down."

Gideon studied him for a moment, almost bewildered. She realized she wouldn't get any answers out of him if she didn't at least listen to him. Carefully she limped across the ship, taking a seat at her bench that sat just behind the pilot's chair.

"You wanted to kill me." She reached a hand up to her throat. Bruises had formed where Grey had strangled her, but there was no evidence of Kylo's Force strangulation.

"I didn't." He spun the chair back around, "Must be your lucky day."

The woman sighed, "Did you start processing the chips?"

He seemed glad at the change of subject. Kylo nodded to Gideon's computer, where one of the data chips was inserted into her hard drive.

"I'm almost halfway through them." He was irritated, "Nothing so far."

Gideon leaned her head against the wall. Her whole body still felt completely exhausted, sore and stiff from the fight. However, she knew she had more pressing issues if the chips she nearly died trying to get didn't give them the location they needed.

"We still have the other half to go through." Gideon offered, "There's time."

"No." He stiffened, "Supreme Leader Snoke contacted us. He wants progress, and soon."

Gideon warily stared at the back of his head, "We'll get it. I'm certain."

"How are you so sure?"

The woman shrugged, "Because I know Brandy. She does business with everyone. She had the location of every organization in the galaxy. The Resistance is one of them."

Kylo nodded, though he didn't have much faith in Gideon's statement. He just sighed when the computer beeped, taking out one chip and slipping in another one.

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