We could be more.

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Eric's POV
I'm hanging out with my girlfriend Emely but she said something it sounded like she said I cheated on you I asked her what she said and then she said nothing but I heard what she said .
Eric: I heard what you said. I'm sorry but I-I-I-I'm breaking up with you I don't want to be with a cheater
Emely: I'm sorry but can we still be friends
Eric: I'll think about it
Emely: okay well goodbye

I decided to text my best friend y/n and tell her what happened, I asked her to come over and then I heard a knock on the door of course it was y/n
Eric: hey y/n
Y/n: hey I missed you and are you okay?
Eric: I missed you too and I guess I'm okay to be honest I only dated her to get my mind of someone
Y/n: do you wanna tell me who that is?
Eric: yeah um... it was y-y-you
Y/n: wait! are you serious?
Eric: yeah I just didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you felt about me
Y/n: Eric you know I love you and care about you deeply, and I've always liked you to I just didn't want to mess up our friendship because being best friends and all
Eric: sooo...
I say *grabs y/n hands* will you be my girlfriend
Y/n: yes
Eric: so can I kiss you?
Y/n: *softly says* yeah
I leaned in to kiss her
And with that we cuddled and watched Netflix

I'm sorry these are so short I'll work on it but you guys should like, like and comment please

Eric montanez imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now