You take care of him when he is sick/ when you are sick

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Eric pov

I woke up not feeling well so I called my girlfriend y/n over so we can cuddle she said sure but when she got here she started giving me medicine and it was so nasty "babe I don't want medicine" "I know but I don't want you to stay sick so you have an hour until you have to take your next pill" she said with a serious tone alright y/n

One hour later-
"I'm not taking the pill y/n" "yes you are now get over here or your not getting kisses for a month and I won't come over for a month" "alright fine but I want kisses right now" "no later" "fine"

Later that day-

"I feel so much better c'mon give me kisses now" "alright but first you have to catch me"
I caught her and next thing you know we were making out when my mom came and interrupted us "can you guys not do that now"
"Sorry mom" "yeah but dinners ready c'mon let's eat"

When you're sick


So my boyfriend Eric came over to take care of me because I'm sick and my parents aren't home so yeah
"Y/n I'm here I brought food and all your essentials with me like vapor rub and my sister let me use her spa stuff for you" " thank you baby but I just want kisses" "not yet but later when you're relaxed and feeling better okay"
" I feel better and relaxed can we cuddle now?"
"Yeah but do you still want your kisses?"
"Yes I do gimme kisses"

The end

I'm sorry this one sucked but at least I updated right? Right?!

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