The Boy Who Realized

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"Oh my gosh, late again!?!?!"

Sprinting through the hall, I eye the door to my left and seize it with both hands outstretched, flinging it aside like it was nobodies business. All eyes were on me, and none of them really looked that ecstatic with my sudden, exhausted and quickly dressed frame.

This is the third time this week I have turned up in these same black skinny jeans and navy star wars hoodie, and Miss. Price didn't look very thrilled with my late appearance I had come to greet her with.

"Hmmmmmm, my-my miss Aviana, where have you been?" she says cunningly as she gives me an ice cold stare from above her silver rimmed glasses.

I don't reply, and don't intend to, I am too exasperated to function and quite frankly, her scalding was the last thing on my mind. In response to my, well, non-responsiveness, I hear Miss. Price clear her throat. Like I didn't know she was there.

"Why are you late?, or should I say late, again?" She says, louder this time, looking apon me with the same indifferent gaze. Game on.

I approach her in a sincere, yet "I.Am.So.Ready.To.Clasp.My.Hands.
around.Your.Scrawny.little.Throat" type of way. Very subtle way to approach a hostile environment for sure.

"Brother--. Bag.-- chase him--. Kitchen--. Return--. Reason.-- Late." I huff, marching toward Lilian, my best friend. She smiles and pulls out the seat beside her, covering her mouth in a near giggle fit. I sloppily run my index finger along my lips as an attempt to hush her, but it just makes the laughter worse.

I hear the clearing of a throat once more. I swear to god, that women.

"Miss, you have lost the privilege of sitting there, please sit next to Mr. McCann" She orders, pointing to a table on the far right of the room. I stare at the boy. He helplessly stares right back, his irises not moving.

The fire of a thousand suns possess my blue/green eyes and I put every ounce of energy into enforcing it directly into the pupil of my smart mouthed teacher. The ice in her ice is far to thick to melt, and she doesn't even flinch. I find the will to sit down and be the bigger person in the situation, I will not fight. I will not let my stubbornness get in the way of things.

Back to the boy - Jason - He must be new, I haven't seen him around. He has platinum blonde hair, hazel eyes and a chiseled jaw with tattoos wrapped around his wrists, but that's as far as I can see because of the long sleeved tee he is adorning so nicely. few silver piercing flicker in the dim light of the room and a couple of tattoos are visible on his neck. He looked like your typical bad boy, but not with the intention to be one.

I pace my way over to him and sit delicately on the seat next to him and let out a breath of air. As soon as I do he flinches, groans, then looks out the window, uninterested in me at all. I swear I even saw him swivel his chair away from me. Have I re-contracted girl cooties from the second grade or something?

"I'm always second best"

Now that was heartbreaking, not that I would pity him, as I believe pity is a form of belittlement. No one deserves to be looked down apon with such sad eyes and such cringy attempts and consolidation, unless you live and breath attention seeking of course. I don't think I was meant to here him whisper that, but I am sort of glad I did. Unfortunately the awkwardness was building and the uncomfortable tension was rising with each beat of my heart, which seemed to increase in frequency.

So I decided to be the idiot in the situation and introduce myself.

"Hi my name is Aviana, but call me Ava, It's---"

"Don't talk to me" He cut's in, continuing to look out of the dusted window.


"Aviana, as you have so formally introduced yourself to me as. I warned you" He mutters, turning around to give me the satisfaction of viewing his blank, un-iris moving gaze. Odd.

"Okay" I wheeze sarcastically, leaning back in my chair, and crossing my arms in an attempt to listen to my first class of the day, Business studies, rather then Jason huff and puff.

"Argh, sorry" He breathes, shaking his head as if disappointed with himself. I ignore him and take notes on the accounting sector of our assignment.

After a grueling 50 minutes sitting next to Jason, the bell sounds and I jolt upright, clasp my belongings in my hands and shuffle toward the door. Avoiding eye contact with anyone. I am pressed forward by the mass of bodies to the hall and I am finally squeezed out. I speed walk to my locker two halls down and breath, keeping my head low. As I walk I realise how stressful sitting next to the new kid really was. My shoulders were tense, my stomach was in a knot and my brain was in a state of confinement.

I catch myself on my locker and press my forehead against the cool metal of the vents.

Steady yourself Ava, breath. That was the most tedious, uncomfortable situation you've been in in a long time, and you've just moved houses from across town.

Social anxiety and stubbornness issues 101.

After breathing and consoling myself for a good 30 seconds I come to the conclusion that Miss. Price is just an old hag that can do no good out of the education system, Jason McCann is just nervous and fidgety as he is new here, and I am an overreacting sack of nerves. Now breathe, open my locker and there. Now that wasn't so bad was it? And off to chemistry.

And that was my first experience meeting Jason McCann

That, was the first time I met Jason McCann. Well, as a high schooler.

Just the intro guys :p Hope this books going to be good, open to any ideas xox :) Sorry about the confusion, I've been away for AGES and knew this book needed to be rewritten and published in a more mature and creative way. I hopefully plan on completely finishing this book and see what happens from then on. Thanks guys :)

~ Me (usually haha)

The Boy Who Realised - Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now