Fonnie PT4: Bonnie's mating season

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                                WARNING:  NSFW                                                         

Bonnie: *ears twitch*


Bonnie: I'm going to the restroom...

Foxy: Ok?

Bonnie: *goes to restroom and locks door*

Foxy: *goes wait outside restroom*

Bonnie: *takes off shirt and moans a little*

Foxy: I- Bonnie,it's ok come out, I know what your going through

Bonnie: *comes out*

Foxy: *blushes and takes him room*

Bonnie: *Blushes*

Foxy: *takes off clothes*

Bonnie: Foxy~

Foxy: *thrust hard*

Bonnie: Mmm~ Y-yes~ Faster~

Foxy: *goes faster* You feel so good~

Bonnie: A-a-a-a-ah~

Foxy: *blushes*

Bonnie: *cums a little*

Foxy: *picks him up and goes deep*

Bonnie: *moans* Daddy~

Foxy: *smirks* Yes~

Bonnie: Go deeper~

Foxy: *goes deeper* Your so tight

Bonnie: I know

Foxy: *puts on bed*

Bonnie: *passes out*

Foxy: *stops and puts arms around him*


Bonnie: *wakes up*

Foxy: *asleep*

Bonnie: Foxy?

Foxy: *wakes up* Yes Bon?

Bonnie: I want cuddles

Foxy: *cuddles*

Bonnie: *smiles* I have to go soon

Foxy: Ok

Bonnie: *gets clothes on*

Foxy: *kisses* Bye

Bonnie: *kisses back* Bye papi~~

Foxy: *blushes*

To be continued

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