I'm Gonna Marry You (Chapter 2)

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Mari's Diary

Dear Diary I wanna tell you about one spacial day I was 7 years old in the 2nd grade I was in the playground and adrien came up to and told me "hey princess you know one day I promise I Will Marry You"I then gave him a smirk and told him "I'll be waiting for my sir knight" 

Back With Adrien

When I told her that I was gonna marry her looking back at it I feel embarrassed but I was really in love with her we kept hanging out after that but then something happened something I...I really don't talk with anyone my mother was in an accident the took her life away I was and mari was there for me but.......I kept shutting the door on her when every she would come and that's when my relationship with mari hit a big stone we haven't talked since that day the day I told her.....

He told me that he doesn't need me that I should stop helping because I wasn't he said (Marinette's Diary) since that day we haven't talked to each other him and I were done the unbreakable friendship was broken by the one and only Adrien Agreste the very next week he changed his spot on school I was devastated but it was ok I said to myself its okay mari next week everything will be back to normal but weeks past.......years past and its still not back to normal but I've accepted that adrien and I aren't meant to be friends 

Adrien At The Agreste Mansion

I don't know how I could say something like that to her to my....princess I felt bad but angry at the same time but it wasn't marinette's fault that my mother died it was just an accident but I couldn't bring myself to that conclusion I hated everyone didn't talk to anyone until I was seated next a kid named Nino my best friend well soon to be best friend we didn't talk muchin the first few weeks then after the third week he told me "so why'd you change you spot?" I looked at him for 5 seconds then answered him "I didn't feel comfortable ok" he then stared at me "liar you were inseparable what happened" I thought to myself he saw right through me "I don't wanna talk about it ok" then he replied "that's fine dude I'm Nino" I said I'm adrien" then he looked at me "hey your not bad" I said "what does that mean?" "it means I like ya wanna hang out later?" "uh...wh...sure"I stuttered and then I looked at nino as the coolest kid in class but as life went through I was always approached by Chole and I ignored Marinette I felt bad for doing that but I still didn't get over what happened but everyday I saw her she looked sadder but that didn't matter to me at first (present adrien thinks how could I do that to m'lady arghhhhhhhhh) but the years past on quickly me and Nino grew closer as besties as he likes to call it sooooo yeah that's it that's my whole story unto now I mean its pretty boring oh I also forgot I am a model for my father that's my current part-time job and I also have fencing every Wednesday but so far that it that's the life if adrien agreste......

At Marinette's

So my part-time job is working at the bakery and I design well I kinda look at it as a hobby not at job and that's it oh one more thing I have to tell you about alya she's my bestie she's the best she's confident,brave and still she manages to stay my best friend she could go join chole as a popular girl but she doesn't I think she hates chole more then I do well hates a strong word how about dislikes and that's it that the life of Marinette Dupain-Cheng well I guess that's it I'll keep you updated but for now bug-out

hey guys Thank you very very much for reading the whole thing if you have anything you'd like to add be free to add it in the comment tell me what you liked and you didn't like thanks guys

Also I'm going to be updating this twice in one day so if you guys want more then you won't have to wait very long

thank you very much

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