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Vaggie POV

Okay so my main suspicion of the person leaving the notes is angel! I'm so stupid! I'm so dumb! I should've asked him too! I went to go down to ask him but when I got to the bottom he was gone. I searched the hotel. Gone. Maybe he went out? I head to the place he's most probably be; at the porn studio.

When I got there I just stared at the big building. Ugh I can't believe I'm going into the top porn studio despite what I believe in. I take a breath and walk in. This is serious I NEED to talk to angel. I just sneak in without going through the check. I head straight to angels room. I knock afew times and there's no answer so he's probably not here. Unless he's performing. I felt disgusted going to see if he's performing.

Wait... why am I doing this... I thought of him again and got a tight feeling in my chest. OMG IM IN LOVE WITH THAT ANNOYING PORN STAR PINK SPIDER! As I realise that I'm shocked. I thought I was lesbian... I guess not though. I need to see him more than ever before....

I go to the 1st performing room. I was disgusted as I saw two demons plowing eachother. No angel. The second room had nobody in it which I was thankful for. I felt sick as I looked in all the studios. Suddenly I bump into someone. I look up to see a SUPEE hot girl offering to help me up... I feel the same tight feeling in my chest. I don't believe in love at first sight but I think I just found it....

Angel POV

I got to the hotel and looked for Vaggie. I need to tell her how I feel! I look everywhere in the hotel. I can't see her. I ask husk and nifty. They said no. I have no clue where she could be cause she rarely goes out unless it's an emergency... wait maybe she went to look for me! Maybe she's at the porn studio! Poor vag... I know how much she hates porn and gets sick from it easily.

I run to the porn studio. Luckily there wasn't anyone on the streets so I didn't get stopped by a fan. When I finally get there i lean on my knees to catch my breath. There's no time to stop. I run inside and the staff already know me so I went right through. I searched everywhere and finally.... I see her at the end of a hallway with another girl... they're kissing and stuff... and making out and...

I stop in my tracks and just stand there watching them. My heart is shattered... I decide is best if I just go. I walk away and slowly walk home. I always get rejected by the people I actually love. I don't see a point in anything anymore.

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