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Your P.O.V

Me and jin just break up after 3 months now it is the first day of 3rd semester while i am walking i saw jin with another girl hand in hand i just want to ah!! Stop ____ you don't love him anymore i head to my locker when i open it there was a paper fell i pick it up then read what is say 'i love you' what the hell who is these everday i always saw jin with that girl and everyday i receive that love note who could be these i was walking i past by my locker and saw a boy putting something on it follow him "hey wait up" i said "ahh.. What do you want" he said "why do you keep putting things in my locker" i said "cause somebody said it to me okay i didn't want to put stupid things in there if he didn't threath me too" he said after that he keep giving me it always say 'i love you' you the hell is this when i am walking suddenly my headache please not this time then all i saw is pitch black

When i woke up i saw jin he look worried "
"what do you want" i said "it's does how you say thank you" he said "why would i" i said "cause you are really really heavy"he said "cause i am the one who carry you all the way here"he said

He..he..he i don't care "why would you carry me even though i didn't tell you too carry me"i said "i carry you cause i still worried about you and you are always iny head telling if you eat already,drink,sleep or anything cause i still love you"he added

He still love me but "noo.... I have a secrect admirer and if he is going to confess"i said "cause..........."

Shit guys i am going to end this imagine there is going to be part 2
Hope you guys like it @seokjinproperty

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