The Beginning of A Marriage

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WARNING! SPOILERS from the book and movie 365 Days: I just finished reading a detailed review of the book. The difference between the Massimo in the book vs Massimo in the movie was so great, I felt so sad reading the detailed review about the book and the characters... (Detailed review is at, this story was inspired quite a bit by the Massimo from the movie. 

The review of the book and the difference it has with the movie not only made me want to write about strong female leads but also, develop some sort of bond between my two characters as; (another spoiler from the book review; "Laura and Massimo as a couple - Those two didn't really share any interests, they didn't talk a lot about anything aside from how perverse they are & their sexual fantasies. Their whole relationship was built on violence, blackmail, anger and fighting.")

And I believe the reviewer did make a point!

This story is the continuation of

Genre: Action/ Drama / Comedy

Sandro Balestreri - Michele Morrone

Tilly McLeod - is an original female character

Will McLeod - Liam Neeson

Henry McLeod - Henry Cavill

The Beginning of a Marriage

The moment they reached the Balistreri's ancestral home where the wedding reception will be held. Tilly immediately got out of the car, and ran all the way to the front door of the villa.

"What's the hurry bella?!" Sandro teased.

He expected Tilly to trip and fall and embarrass herself, with the way she was going, but to his surprise, she was very graceful, despite the high heels and the long gown

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He expected Tilly to trip and fall and embarrass herself, with the way she was going, but to his surprise, she was very graceful, despite the high heels and the long gown. The long part of the back hem of her dress, flew with the wind, which made him stare longer than he intended, she looked so ethereal, reminding him of the goddess of the wind.

"Quickly, Sandro! they'll be here in an hour or two?" Tilly says whilst running up the on the steps of the entrance, completely oblivious to the way her husband stared at her.

He sighed, and turned off the car's ignition, and pulled out the keys. By the time he entered the villa, he can hear the clucking sound of Tilly's heels from upstairs like a staccato on a piano.

He chuckled as he climbed the staircase and was a little surprised that the sound of the tick-tocking of her shoes suddenly stopped. When he reached the second floor, he saw her door, slightly ajar, enough for him to peek through. Out of sheer curiosity, Sandro took a peek at the small slit of the door only to find his wife busy talking on her phone, dressed in nothing but a nude strapless bridal shapewear, whilst her wedding gown lay neatly on the side sofa. Though it didn't show the parts that he wanted to see, it accentuated her hourglass body. Who would've thought his wife hid such a voluptuous figure.

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