Chapter 1: Pick Out an Instruction Manual

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          Every instruction manual should have a hard cover; it should be able to withstand being thrown, spilled on, lost, and most importantly traded. 


         Today was the day, you had awoken to your mother banging on your door. Her nails slightly clawing at the wooden material. Your family lived on the planet of Naboo, best known for its luminous light and foliage that stretched for miles. It was the best of the Old Republic and now remained as apart of the New Republic. Theed still held its capital status and remembered its Queens with pride within its center. But, you never went that close into the rich capital where Queens and senators held their heads. Until today. 

         There was rumor spread through-out the land that today the First Order would be visiting Theed, A Knight of Ren was to be choosing his bride. So, all the females eligible for marriage had to travel to Theed with the prepared mindset that they may not be returning home. Your mother had gotten news of this rumor being true before you had, in a rush she had fixed and fashioned her old courting dress to suit you as much as it could. The long black skirt slit up both sides of the legs and hugged your hips rather nicely, the top was a red long sleeve. Your mother found it so funny and convenient that you would be wearing red and black to a First Order bridal picking; you rolled your eyes at her small jokes. Though the outfit was nice, what your mother deemed most attractive would be your face and hair. 

          The skirt flowed as you walked into your mothers bedroom, with it being just yourself and her a small bit of you hoped you wouldn't get picked. But, the money given if you were picked would make your mothers life finally livable without having to work two jobs since your fathers unfortunate accident. Pictures of herself and your father sat on her desk, next to old makeup and perfume. "Relax." Your mother smiled as she started on your hair, pulling and twisting, adding beads and flowers, anything to make the locks stand out. This process didn't take too long, the pain made it seem rather quick and once she had added the last knot of beads she started on your face. Normally you would imagine a black eyeshadow, red lip; no, your mother wanted you to be different. "Noticeable from miles away!", she'd say with a smile. Plastering your skin to make you like a doll, red eyeshadow blending and making your irises pop, finally a bold black lip to highlight it all. 

          "You are so beautiful..." she whispered gently, taking your face between her hands. All that seemed to be left now was shoes and then to travel to Theed, which was not long. Pulling a pair of thigh high boots from the closet your mother slipped them onto your feet, in amazement they fit. Though the heel was a little much, you wouldn't say anything as your mother took all of you in. Tears pricking her eyes and soft sniffles starting to be audible. "Mother, please, do not cry. If I am picked I will make sure to send you letters. My love cannot stop me from doing that. If I am not picked, I will come home to you and we may drink and eat. I will all be okay," your reassurance was enough to make your mother breathe and nod. "The ceremony starts soon, you should be on your way. Remember, make him remember you," and with that your mother wrapped black silk around your hair, protecting it from the wind and elements outside. 

          Leaving the house was the worst part, unable to take anything but your own person with you to the ceremony. As requested, the eligible females walked to Theed, some with confidence some without. The walk showed many tears, many beautiful outfits, and many cat calls from the eyeballing men of the capital. Once outside the castle the girls were lined up by last name, to make calling and examining easier. One by one they'd have to walk up the aisle, introduce themselves, state why they should be chosen as a bride, do a small spin, then walk back to their places in line. Then that would continue until one was chosen or the Knight had given up. You were lucky in a way, you were not last but you were not first. The standing and waiting was the worst part, seeing so many girls come out crying was heartbreaking until it was your turn to suck it up and go in. 

          Walking up the split aisle your heels clacked upon the stone, announcing you before you had a chance. You were welcomed inside and once they could see you, you slipped the silk bonnet off, revealing your mothers beautiful work and your beautiful face. You had confidence, you did not want to be chosen, but you would give it an honest shot for your mother. Examining the judges you smiled, two male, two female, all but one had their face revealed. The male without his face revealed had to have been the knight. He sat up straight and even though you could not see his eyes through  the cracked mask, he was watching. "Hello, your name?" One of the females asked after she had stopped writing and you told her your full name with confidence, spelling it for her so she got it right. "And why should you be chosen as a bride?" You did not ponder the question for long, you knew what your mother told you to say, "I should be chosen as a bride, because I am strong. A strong husband deserves a bride just as strong. Without equal strength, one becomes weak and lost." The line of judges looked at each other before looking to the last male, that mask still just staring. "Spin." A mechanical voice spoke and you did as you were told, and as the spin closed you bowed a goodbye and started to walk away. You did not get far before you were stopped. But, nothing was visibly stopping you. You could pull and almost move, but something was stopping you-holding you there. Until you gave a final push against whatever the force was and you fell to the ground. "She is strong..." the voice spoke again. "Almost too strong... I want her." As those words were said, you were lifted off the ground and the castle doors shut as the female judges had gone out to announce that a bride had been picked. 

          Before you could process, you were being spoken to at alarming rate. You had been picked, you know that. You would become that masked strangers pride, you knew that now. But, you were being talked to and pushed onto a shuttle to be taken somewhere else where you would call home and eventually wed there. It was all happening so quickly, but before more could be thrown at you, you raised a hand. Stopping the voices. "Okay, recap. I have been chosen as the bride, I am to wed the man who has the cracked mask and is currently on the shuttle in our now shared quarters. We are flying somewhere else and I am not ever coming home. Correct?" You clarified and received nods. Though it pained you to see the shuttle door close, you knew your mother would be proud of you. "Do not worry. Your mother will receive the money once you have been wed." One of the females spoke as she guided you to the masked males quarters. As the door slid open, you walked in, not realizing the female guide was just going to leave you. From what you could see your new fiancé sat in chair across the small quarters.; staring intently out the window. A bathroom presumably and a bed being the only other things to make up the space but before you could speak your attention was caught by the male. 

          "Hello..." You spoke softly, reintroducing yourself to the male you would marry. You still could not see his eyes, but you knew he was watching your every step and listening to the way your heels tapped the floor. "May I ask who you are?" Poking a little to hopefully get an answer as to who this man was but before you could walk forward more you felt the invisible wall stop you again, your frame not being able to move any closer. Finally, before you could begin the struggle to break the wall, you heard the mechanical voice speak. "My name is Kylo Ren."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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