The Interview | Chapter 1

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I took in a deep breath as I grabbed onto the door handle. I was finally here, at my father!s old workplace. I stepped inside and walked towards the front desk. There wasn't anyone I could see so I pressed my palm against the tiny bell near the front of the desk. I then heard some rustling around before a door out of my sight opened up, and a young woman walked out. Her hair was brown and long almost reaching her waist. She had glasses on and brown eyes. She sat down in the revolving chair and spun around to look at me. 

"Good morning! Are you here for your interview?" She spoke with a smile.

"A-ah, yes." I stuttered. I'm pretty awkward until you get to know me, then I'm a social butterfly.

"Name?" She asked

"(Y/N) ) (L/N)." She then began to clack on the keyboard next to her and type something into the computer before turning to me.

"Alright, just go down the left hallway and the last door on your left, should be labeled 'interview room'." 

"Thank you." I spoke as I started down the hallway. I heard the chair spin around and a door shut assuming the woman went back into the room. I made it to the final door of the hallway and looked up and in a golden engraving "interview room" was on the door. I took a deep breath, put on a friendly smile, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard a muffled man's voice. I pushed in the handle and walked through the door. The room was sleek, there were plants on shelves and bookcases lined on the walls. In the centre of the room was a desk and two chairs where a man wearing a suit resided. I sat down in the unoccupied chair and looked toward the man. He had well groomed black hair the swooped to the side, a few strands breaking loose of the hair product. His skin was very pale, almost like a ghost. 

"Good morning." Said the man as he dug through some drawers and rustling some papers.

"Good morning." I replied trying to act confident. 

"My name is Midas." The man spoke as he held out his hand for me to shake it. Before I grabbed it I noticed it wasn't the same colour as the rest of his skin, it was like gold. 

"Mine's (Y/N), nice to meet you." I said as we shook hands.

"Ready to start?" Midas asked. I nodded.

"Why would you like to work for our agency?" Midas asked

"Well, my father used to work here before me and I'd really like to follow in his footsteps of making this world a better place." 

Midas jotted something down on some paper and looked back up to me. 

"Any specialties?" Midas questioned

"I usually stick around Hacking and surveillance but I'm also great at hand to hand combat, stealth, and using firearms to their fullest."

Midas scribbled onto his paper and without looking back to me asked "Are you allergic to cats?"

I looked at Midas "Uhm... no." I responded. That's not usually a question on a job interview but I guess someone owns a cat.

Midas wrote a few more things onto his paper and then looked back up at me.

"When can you start?"

(A/N) Hey guys it's ya boi crawling out of retirement. Just bored in quarantine and wanted to write something so here ya go. Next part should be out fairly shortly, or whenever I decide I want to write some more. I'll keep you updated. Love you guys!

Word Count: 547

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