Meeting Meowscles | Chapter 2

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Midas lead me through twists and turns of The Agency until we arrived at a huge metal door. Midas swiped his keycard next to the door with a resounding beep. The door began to open and we stepped in. Once we were inside it closed behind us with a thud. Inside were a couple of desks surrounding a circular table with what seemed to be a hologram on top. There were 2 people sitting around the table. The two looked over to me and waved. I waved back, not wanting to be rude. Midas brought me over to a desk and opened a drawer.

"Just a moment, I have to find something." 

While Midas was shifting through the drawer, I decided to analyze the place. Near the table in the middle of the room was 2 sets of stairs, each leading to different doors. The two who were sitting at the circular table were chatting with each other. The one wearing red and yellow was on her phone but was also chatting to the other woman with the beanie. I heard some rustling near the desk, so I decided to look what made the noise. At the edge of a table I saw a cats head poke up. 

"Dawwww..." I said as I reached to pet the cat. The cat was a calico just like tiddles, my mom's cat. I gave the cat a few pets before he started to rise. 

"NOT LIKE TIDDLES, NOT LIKE TIDDLES."  I thought as what I thought was an ordinary cat began to rise revealing that its head was attached to a swole as hell body. I stumbled back almost falling to the floor but regained my balance. I heard some giggles from the table in the centre of the room. 

"Meowscles." Scolded Midas. "Please don't scare the new recruit."

"Well, it's not my fault everyone isn't used to an anthropomorphic cat." 

Regaining my composure I walked toward the swole cat and began to look at him. I was curious how this was even possible, a buff human, cat, hybrid, that talks. 

"Hello, new recruit." The cat spoke "I'm Meowscles."

"(Y/N)..." I spoke 

The cat stuck his hand out to me. I hesitated but shook his hand anyway. His hand had no fur on it but was white as if it did, his head was fluffy like a normal cat's but the rest of his body seemed to be skin of some sort. Meowscles let go of my hand and I watched him approach Midas and begin to look over his shoulder. Midas gave him a scratch on the head before going back to looking through the drawer. 

"Ahh, there you are." Midas said as he pulled out a purple keycard with a large number "17" on it.

"Here you go." Midas spoke as he handed the card to me. It was sleek just like everything else in this building. Midas then began walking again with Meowscles following behind him. I walked a little faster to catch up with them. We walked up one of the sets of stairs I saw earlier and entered a door labeled "Agent Dorms." We walked through the large, automatic door and entered a long hallway with doors on either side. We walked until we got to the door labeled "17".

"We'll have your name on the door by tomorrow." Midas spoke. "I can help you with bringing the moving boxes in, but after that I have to go to my office."

"Alright, I think I should be fine unpacking by myself."

"I could help you unpack!" Meowscles chimed in. 

"Thank you Meowscles." I said as I went to give him a head scratch. I had to stand on my toes in order to reach his head.


"Alright, I'll leave you two to unpack." Midas said as he closed the door to my room. I went towards the box near my bed and opened it up. A few of my belongings like posters, pictures of family and a few video games were in there. As I grabbed a few pictures to put on some of the shelves in the room, Meowscles went through some of my other boxes. I opened another box finding all of my clothes. I brought the box over to the dresser near the bed. I took the neatly folded clothes, and put them in their respective drawers. Either I don't have a lot of clothes or this dresser is huge, because there was still plenty of room left in each drawer. I'd have to go shopping when I get the chance. When I finished putting clothes away I turned around to see Meowscles holding my rainbow flag. I'd come out when I was 15 but still wasn't very comfortable with telling people all the time. 

"Ahhh! I'm sorry lemme just-"

"(Y/N), don't freak out. I'm fine with it. I am too, so it's fine."

"R-Really? You're... also gay?"

Meowscles nodded. 

"Wait"  I thought to myself. "Do I really have a crush on this cat man?"  We finished unpacking my stuff and I was ready to sleep. The long day plus the jet lag really was getting to me. Meowscles went to leave and I wanted to thank him. 

"Hey, Meowscles." I spoke "Thanks for helping me unpack."

"No problem." Meowscles said "It was easy."

Before Meowscles turned to leave, I gave him a peck on the cheek. Meowscles was stunned for a second, due to the sudden action but soon came in for one of the biggest hugs I've ever received. Meowscles then turned to leave but before shutting the door said "Also, Midas told me to tell you to meet in the main room by 9 tomorrow morning." 

"Alright! See you then!" I exclaimed as Meowscles shut the door. I made sure to set an alarm on my phone before I slumped down on my bed, because I knew I wouldn't be awake for much longer. Thankfully I did because about 2 minutes later I was asleep.

Word Count: 1002 

(Little A/N) Hey to whoever is reading this. The cover picture is sorta bugged and I can't get it to work so sorry for that. That's all I wanted to say. Stay awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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