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Seven years ago ... Namjoon was seventeen and Hoseok was nineteen.

They had officially been together for three years, but Namjoon had never seen him this mad, not once in those three years. His boyfriend's loud voice from the other room frightened him, so he hid himself on the stairs and listened as best as he could.

"This is OUTRAGEOUS!" roared Hoseok into the phone. Namjoon flinched. "Don't you know how hard I've- but you can't just- I never violated anything! Why is it so hard for you to underst- alright then ... very shallow of you. I hope you have a horrible day and get hit by a tractor."

The dancer's grip was so tight on the phone that his knuckles were white. He wanted to throw it out of the closed window to vent himself. He raised his arm to throw it, but after seeing the boy's terrified expression from the stairs, he dropped it and put anger his out in an instant.

"Oh, I'm sorry for yelling, Joonie, but they're kicking me out from the studio that we've had for a year now because some rich b-b-booger bought it, and they're terminating the contract," Hoseok breathed, dragging himself over to their old brown couch.

"That means I won't have a job to support us. I'll also have to cancel everything I planned for my students this year and I'll have to refund all lesson money people paid ... I don't know what to do, and ... and I'm so sorry," the older apologized, scrubbing his face repeatedly with his palms.

"Hobi-hyung, you have nothing to be sorry for." Namjoon carefully making his way down the stairs. "I'm sorry for not trying to get a job, but I will now. You've been working as I've been sitting here, so you deserve a break. I'll find a job and work for us. It's not your fault."

Hoseok looked up from the carpeted floor. "What would I do without you?"

Forever Rain ~ Namseok / NamhopeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя