Chapter 2

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3rd Person P.O.V

Saturday came quite quickly, and the evening of that day soon saw Veronica standing outside the local 7/11, having been sent inside by Chandler to buy BQ corn nuts. She quickly found what she was looking for, and grabbed a packet, heading over to the counter to pay for them, passing the slushie section when she did so.

"Greetings and salutations. You want a slushie with that?" Veronica looked up and saw the Dean twins standing nearby, both holding slushies.

"No, but if you're nice, I'll let you buy me a big gulp." Veronica answered.

"That's like going to Mickey D's to order a salad." AJ responded coolly, leaning against the wall.

"Slurpee's the signature dish of the house. Did you say cherry or lime?" JD easily finished his sister's sentence

"I said big gulp. I'm Veronica, by the way. Veronica Sawyer. Are you ever gonna tell me your names?" Veronica questioned.

"I'll end the suspense. Jason Dean, JD for short." JD introduced himself

"Aurora Juliet Dean. AJ for short." AJ also introduced herself.

"So, AJ and JD. That thing you pulled in the caf was pretty severe." Veronica remarked.

"Well, the extreme always seems to make an impression." JD said, earning an awkward chuckle from Veronica.

"So, what brings two Baudelaire-quoting badasses like you two to Sherwood, Ohio?" Veronica asked.

"Our dad's work. He owns a deconstruction company. The old man seems to enjoy tearing things down. You seen the commercial? "I'm Big Bud Dean! If it's in the way, I'll make your day"." AJ answered, mocking the advert she hated with a vengeance.

"Right? And then he pulls the plunger, and the whole screen blows up! That's.......that's your dad?" Veronica asked, sensing the tension.

"In all his toxic glory." The Dean twins answered in unison.

"Well, everyone's life has static." Veronica remarked, right before the sound of a car horn was heard, along with Chandler's voice shouting Veronica's name.

"Example, I don't really like my friends." Veronica finished.

"I don't really like your friends either. Bag the party. Hang here." JD said.

"At the 7/11? Swanky first date." Veronica remarked. AJ snickered lightly and went to refill her slushie, leaving her twin brother to explain why the 7/11 brought a comfort for the Dean twins. A few minutes later, AJ heard the door of the 7/11 open. But in order to get to the counter, one would first have to pass the slushie section. AJ browsed the different flavours before finally selecting cherry flavour and proceeding to fill her cup.

"Oh, you again." AJ then heard the familiar voice of Heather Chandler, before turning around to see her standing there.

"Greetings and salutations to you too." AJ remarked lightly, securing the lid on her cup before turning to properly face Chandler, which meant the two made eye contact for the first time, Chandler's icy green eyes meeting AJ's own dark ones. Chandler had been prepared to make some sort of snarky remark, but as soon as her gaze met AJ's, she was left at a bit of a loss for words for a few moments.

"You've got some nerve, you know. That little stunt you pulled on your first day." Chandler said, looking at the black-clad teen in front of her.

"Well, it's like I always say. The extreme always seems to make an impression. Wouldn't you agree, Heather Chandler?" AJ questioned.

"You know my name, yet I don't know yours." Chandler said.

"Everyone knows the demon queen of Westerburg High, sweetheart. She who is at the top of the school hierarchy, with her little clique. I'm afraid I've never been one to abide by a hierarchy. They're a waste of time, in my opinion." AJ countered. Chandler had to fight hard to avoid the red tinge threatening to appear once more. What was it about this girl that made her feel this way?

"Okay, who are you?" Chandler questioned, shaking those thoughts from her head.

"Fine, I'll end the suspense, since it seems to be oh-so frustrating for you. Aurora Juliet Dean. AJ for short." AJ answered. Usually, if anyone had dared to speak to Chandler in that manner, she would have ensured that by the time she was finished, no one at school would want to associate with that person. Yet with AJ, there seemed to be something stopping Chandler from doing so, and she didn't quite know what it was, and that irritated her to no end. Though it also made her begin to wonder what kind of secrets the girl in front of her had.

"If you're looking for Veronica, she's over there." AJ then spoke, gesturing over her shoulder to where her brother and Veronica were still talking. Chandler gave her one final look, before walking over to get Veronica. AJ snickered lightly, amused at the reactions she had managed to gain from the red-clad Heather, taking a sip from her slushie before she twitched her head at the familiar pain of the brain freeze that she had long since become used to.

"Don't you have a Marcy concert to get to?" She then heard Chandler said, and this caused AJ to laugh.

"Ha, Marcy concert! Oh, that's funny." AJ remarked as she wandered back over to join her twin. Chandler shot AJ an icy glare, but the latter remained unfazed as she watched both Chandler and Veronica leave the 7/11.

"Well, you seem to have made quite the impression on the apex predator of Westerburg High." JD remarked once the two were out of earshot.

"It seems I have. I just find her reaction funny when she sees I'm not intimidated by her." AJ said in response. The Dean twins shared a laugh before they too left the 7/11, getting on their respective motorbikes and driving off, though AJ purposefully went past Chandler's car and gave a small salute before she and her brother headed home, both of them laughing at the way Chandler had reacted, as well as the fact Veronica had been trying hard and failing to suppress a smirk at the audacity of the younger Dean twin. The social hierarchy of Westerburg High now seemed to be facing imminent danger. And that danger appeared to be coming in the form of Aurora Juliet Dean herself.

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