Kiss Me

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Yibo came back with his coffee, but taking the very first sip, he crunched his face.

Xiao zhan gave him a questioning glance.

"Forgot to put the sugar."

Now this was too much. Even though his boyfriend was a bad cook, he was completely capable of making a cup of coffee. He must have been very distracted.

"Come here." Xiao zhan said, giving out his hand for Yibo to take.

Yibo put down the cup and took the offered hand, joining Xiao zhan on the couch.

"Tell me."


"Don't be so oblivious, just say it."

Xiao zhan knew that he had to put some pressure to get something out of his boy because he was well aware that Yibo was good at hiding and had proved his talent on more than one occasion.

"I told you its -"

Yibo was going to say that it's nothing again, but was cut off by Xiao zhan before he could complete his sentence.

"Don't tell me that nonsense Yibo, I know something is bothering you and you better spit it out before I get angry."

Yibo sighed. "I was just wondering zhan ge, that you....... um......"

He was having difficulty expressing himself, which was nothing new actually, but Xiao zhan found it all the more dissatisfying.

"Yibo, you know that I will always be with you know matter what, and I really want to help you with whatever problem you have, so you just---"

"Kiss me." Yibo said out of the blue. He didn't want to beat around the Bush anymore.

"What?" Xiao zhan wasn't really surprised, because Yibo could put forward strangest requests, but not at such serious times.

"I said Kiss me."

"I heard you the first time, but what--"

"There is nothing wrong Zhan ge, I just want you to kiss me. That's all." Yibo didn't want Xiao zhan to think that there was something wrong.

Not gonna hurt. Xiao Zhan thought.


He gently took Yibo's face in his hands, stroking his cheeks. And leaned in to kiss him.

"For forty seconds."

Now this was new.

"What? Forty seconds? Is it--"

"Why? Do you mind?" Yibo asked almost shouting. As if he was not the one saying strange things.

"No, that's not what I meant, but--"

"Then kiss me." He wouldn't let Xiao zhan say anything. But Xiao zhan was getting extremely curious. He wanted to find out the reason of Yibo's strange behaviour.

But Yibo wouldn't have anything less than a forty second kiss, so he went on to kiss him, only to be interrupted again.

"Not like this. Lie down on the couch. I will get on top of you." Yibo demanded without any shame. Not that he was asking for too much. Xiao Zhan had heard more shameless things coming out of that mouth when they were in certain compromising positions.

But this was a very specific demand, as if Yibo was acting something out.

"Bo-di, what are you really going on about, huh?"

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