Quarter - 33

388 18 6

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Su Inn stopped his car and exhaled. Handsome Tigers lost 78-85 to ZOO. And that was a big burden for him.

"Thank you for driving me home oppa."

He turned his head at the sweet voice that creeps into his ear. Joy is there, trying to open the seat belt. Su Inn suddenly held her hand which made her look up at Su Inn.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Could you please stay for a while?"

There's a long silent before Joy put her hand away from the seat belt buckle and patted Su Inn's hand.

"You okay?" She asked with concern as he looked down.

"No," He replied tiredly.

"Are you sad?" Joy stared a man in front of her with a thin smile on her face.

Su Inn just stayed in silence while nodding his head. He has no words to utter since he could feel the picture of their last match still lingered in his mind.


He turned his head and could see Joy's face under the shade of a tree and the dim lights of the street lights.

"You were soooo good today," she spoke cheerfully. Tells how Su Inn carried out amazing offenses during the match.

"As you scored in the court, my mind replayed the moment again and again. I amazed about how great you are."

She goes on, "You know what? After you scored, your step were like leaving a light, sparkling in the court. Just like a jet's tracing in the sky."

Su Inn chuckled.

"I was not focus today,"

Su Inn turned his eyes towards the darkness of the night. Looking at the road that was struck by the golden light from the street lights.

"I was not focus after hitting Nam Gu's face. I tried to ignored it like what Coach Seo said, but I just couldn't do it."

Joy watched him telling all his anxiety during the game earlier. She attempted to open her seat belt as he drifted in his world again.

"It's because I know how it feels to get injured in the face. I feel bad for him and anxious throughout the game which had a significant effect on the match. It ruined my focus at that time. if only I could be more focused then maybe I wouldn't make a mistake," He stopped a little before continue his words "I feel sorry for Coach Se—"

He was about to turn his head towards Joy when he felt her arms around him. Draped behind his neck while she resting her chin on his shoulder.

Su Inn could feel she's patting his back softly and whispered in his ear.

"Sugohaesseo, oppa. Sugohaesseo.."

He thought he would cry and spill all his disappointments at her. But he just kept the silent and felt the moment.

As time went by he could feel the warmth of her breath sweeping the tip of his hair. Carrying all the burdens in his mind away with the night wind.

"Joiya.." he muttered softly.


Joy tighten her hug. She did not even wait for Su Inn to hug her back as she just wants to share peace with this man.

"What if we start dating?" Su Inn hung his words. "What comes next?"

"We'll find happiness together"

"And then?"

"We'll become each other's life and be happy together."

Warmth swelled up inside his mind and he chuckled a little as he listened to Joy's answer. He tried so bad to refrain himself from crying. Not because he regrets today's match. But because there's someone who remind him to appreciate his efforts and his play. He felt a little better that he was here with her.


She just tilted her head in response. The night is getting deeper when the road starts to get wet with rain and Sun In buried his face on Joy's hair.

"What kind of good deeds that I've done in the past so I can meet someone like you?"



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