Quarter - 39

337 20 10

Joy threw herself on the hotel's bed she had been staying in New York . She just finished her photo shoot for Michael Kors and uploaded it to Instagram. She was happy because she saw Su Inn name appear on her notification bar.

"What time is it there? I hope they have a successful match tomorrow." She muttered then checked his chat to Su Inn.

'Hmm he hasn't replied yet'

She almost put her phone when several notifications pushed in on her screen.

psysj4xxxx commented on a post you're tagged in: he is no match for Joy. His apartment is so smooool.....

bxxx4ever commented on a post you're tagged in: he has guts to compete with the heir 🤪


She slides her notifications bar and attempted to check the post when she found it as 'this post is unavailable'



She slide her screen and bring it back to her message to Su Inn.

To: 🌙✨
Oppa, is everything alright? Please reply my message, okay?

She can't be wrong about the notifications that appeared on her phone. It must be from a photo on Su Inn account right? But she could not find the comment that appeared earlier. Was the post deleted? Why? Joy wondered.

She could feel that something was wrong until she heard the sound from her phone.


From: Yoo Seon Ho
Noona, have you seen this?

Yoo Seon Ho sent a picture

Joy stared at the comments in the photo that Seon Ho sent

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Joy stared at the comments in the photo that Seon Ho sent. 

Me: Is there anything else?

Seon Ho: Actually there are a lot of it, but I only managed to capture this.

Seon Ho: the post has been deleted by Su Inn Hyung.

Seon Ho: Noona I am sorry, maybe it was because of me.

Me: why? What did you do?

Seon Ho: I was come to BTOB HA.DA.BANG then I confront Sungjae Hyung after we filmed the show.

Me: what? Why you had to confront him?

Seon Ho: he talked nonsense about you and Su Inn Hyung, and I was disappointed over his act to Su Inn Hyung.

Seon Ho: I told him to stop interfering your business anymore.

Seon Ho: I am afraid he might tell some of his fansclub or such idk

MOON RIVER ;; A MoonJoy Story Where stories live. Discover now