chapter 1 new beginnings

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So this story starts in an abandoned looking wizards tower at the very to there lies (presumably dead) evil wizard laying there on a stone bed. Yet something was off all the plant were thriving and all the equipment was untouched yet you could tell it had been a long time for the body laying on the table was bony and skinny. The tower had a enchantment placed upon it where to normal people(like you and me) it was invisible.

And a few miles away from there was a small village where people hated magic. The reason for this was because 50 years ago a wizard killed 19 people the town's people never forgot that day. It was a dark night and it was silent apart from so strange noise coming from a house that only had one resident it was a little boy that's mother had recently died.
The boy that was un aware what he was about to do.He opend a book that said necromancer 101 and started chanting "iva kanta me shala"he chants 6 times as the book states. nothing happens he cries knowing that his mother is gone but is glad his uncle will look after him. A strange wind blows and back in the abandoned tower something like a wind blows yet the trees stay still.
An eye opens up and then screams. A curse had just been unleashed on the realm and no one knew

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