That awkward moment when..

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* Liam's POV*

        We we're waiting anxiously for Niall to give us the sign. The boys and I propped up the pink heart shaped fireworks against the railings facing Niall and Hazel's direction. This is the first I've seen Niall care about someone this much, even renting out the whole beach..I thought.  "Bloody hell, can't Niall hurry up already." Harry said, intrupting my train of thoughts. Zayn smirks, "I'm sure you'll be slow when your asking out Kathy." Harry instantly turned scarlet. We all laughed. "Hey lads! I think thats the signal." Liam pointnig at the two disoriented  figures. I squinted at the two blurry people connected making one. "I think they're hugging?" Zayn says. "Let's just light them already, off course she said yes." Harry mumbled. We shrugged in reply and started lighting each fireworks. We heard the booms of the fireworks, and all six heads were facing the now illuminated sky.We all started running, screaming our lungs out towards Niall. "CONGRATULATIONS!" We yelled, devouring the two in our group hug. I glanced at Niall with a sad look in his face, not with the biggest grin, or the sparkles in his eyes, showing  love, and happines. I instantly knew now what happened. Now all the fireworks are gone, and everyone is staring at Niall, putting two and two together. We released our bear hugs and stood in silence.. " Well this is awkward.." Louis chuckles half heartedly.

*Hazle's point of view*

        We lay there as I was thinking about Naill and I. My feelings for Niall are really big.. but I don't know if I can date someone after Jake. I know this is cliché but why me? There's literally thousands of girls that can do so much better, way prettier, and more kind hearted, and then theres just me.. Interupting my train of thoughts,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asks.

You know that feeling when you can't decide on something so you flip heads or tails? And when that coin is in midair you instantly know what you want. This is one of those times. I'm not over Jake, and even if I am,  I'm still hurt, 2 years was a really long time and its only been a week since. I'm almost graduating, and going off to colledge soon, where would that leave our relationship? And what if Niall's fame hurts me? I wouldn't be able to bear it. " Hazel, are you okay?" Niall asks nervously. There was liquid running down my cheek and I notice that I'm crying. "Niall.. I like you, I really do but I'm not ready," I said while wiping both of my eyes. He smiled showing his adorble teeth, "It's okay, I'm willing to wait," as Niall said as he hugged me. I held on tightly as I thought, behind that smile, was a frown showing sorrow and pain that I created. We stayed in that hug that will probably be our last, until we heard a thunder storm coming  in, only finding out it was fireworks for both of us. I didn't even notice the boys hollering and hugging us, my pounding of my heart reached all the way up to my ears. Oh god, how could I do this to him? He cares so much for me and I just tossed it away. I couldn't face him, I couldn't look at anyone, I've destroyed what could have ever happened, I've destroyed our friendship. 

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