The Doe

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"Once upon a time in a distant land there was a beautiful princess..."

"Mum I want to listen to the Mr. Bee stories, Daddy always used to tell me about him."

Jess was quite taken aback by this abrupt interruption in her story, not because of Mr. Bee but by the sheer thought of her husband, Rupert. She looked down at her 5 year old son, laying on his bed, gazing up at her with those bright blue eyes that reminded her so much of Rupert. She misses him so much. And Tom, not a day passes without him asking for his dad. It is easy to lie to him for now but what if he blames her for not telling him about his father when he is older. And she doesn't know the truth too, the whole truth.


"Oh Mr. Bee."

"OK so once upon a time in a distant land there was a bee and everyone called him Mr. Bee. He was always very busy. One day.... "

"Mum Mr. Bee isn't a bee. He is Anatian. And he is never busy." Tom almost squeaked without breath seeing his hero thus defamed.

"Oops! Sorry what does Mr. Bee like to do?"

"He likes to travel and go on adventures mum. And he got his own blue spaceship"

"Hmm he does. Ok so let me tell you a story about one of his adventures."

Tom almost sat up on his bed and Jess knew she had his full attention.

"So one day Mr. Bee decided to visit a very old friend of his that even daddy doesn't know about. He lives high up in the mountains in a cave where even his spaceship can't take him. So he had to walk all the way. As he was walking through the mighty hills of Anatia he saw a bright and beautiful silver doe drinking water from a pond. The doe was so beautiful that he couldn't resist walking up to it. As he got closer he saw that there was a thorn stuck in the doe's leg. The doe saw Mr. Bee and raised her head up and then in a very sweet yet sad voice said "Stranger don't come near me or this cursed thorn will get stuck in your leg ".But Mr. Bee was a brave young soul. He said to the doe..."

"Mum can doe's speak?"

Jess smiled, "Yes, but only if it wants to."

The boy seemed pleased at the answer but his bright eyes were already moving towards those innocent dreamy lands that make childhood such a precious gift.

Jess caught the clue.

"And so Mr. Bee said pray let me sing you a song . The doe nodded her head gently. And then in his melodious voice Mr.Bee sang:"

O sweet silver,

when the two moons meet

Spring will bloom.

There shall be flowers,

Red and yellow,

And the bright sky will smile blue ,

And in your heart shall summer bring ,

The joy of a thousand suns;

And thence upon shall we meet,

Forever to be one.

Jess' voice died slowly into a soft melodious humming as she saw her little son cuddling up into a slumber. She gently fondled his forehead and placed a soft kiss. She looked at him. Rupert always used to put Tom to sleep. This was like their own private father and son time for them. Even through thick and thin they were happy and then suddenly one day the news came and it was flashing all over the Network. Her heart melted out as she wiped a teardrop. She knew she has to find out what happened to Rupert at any cost; for her and for the sake of their child. She carefully pulled the sheets over Tom and switching off the lights she went out of the room with light footsteps.

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