26. High

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"Solo said you was out here." Tyler replied.

He shut the door behind him.

"I needed a smoke." Rose sat by the staircase outside.

It was getting dark already.

Tyler made his way over, shutting the door behind him.

"Why you being so quiet today? I miss your loud ass."

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Just thinking I guess."

He took a seat beside her.

"About what?"


"Nigga, like what though?" He chuckled.

"Never mind." Rose placed the cigarette between her lips, breathing in again.


"I'm over that." She looked at him. "You really like her huh?"

"Des? she's growing on me."

"You look happy."

He nodded, smiling.


Rose furrowed her eyebrows.

"You happy?" he asked again.

She breathed out, taking his hand into hers as they intertwined fingers.

"I'm okay. I'm still finding my way through all this shit.."

He stared at their hands. It felt natural.

"Imma be here. Always." Tyler's thumb glided over the side of her hand.

"I know."


They undid their fingers quickly.

Tyler stood up, facing Des.

"You wanna go babe?" Des asked, "It's getting late."

Tyler nodded. He looked over at Rose, a slight sympathetic smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"I'll see you around. Nice seeing you again." Destiny smiled at Rose.

"You too."


Next Day

"You ready?" Tyler asked as Rose got into the passenger seat.

She nodded.

They had been asked to do an interview together that would end up going on youtube for a well known music magazine.

Tyler agreed since he knew Rose would get more recognition. He knew she deserved it.

Once there, they made their way to a set up in a small studio with cameras.

A producer came and mic'd them up, directing them on how it would go.

"So we have this series on the channel where we get artists and producers to talk about how they came up with the song, but this is the first time we're doing an artist and writer," The producer continued, "...So all I need you guys to do is pull from these cards and read the questions. You'll answer eachother's cards. Sound good?"

They nodded.

"We'll edit all the awkward pauses and things like that...Okay, shooting in 1, 2," and the set lights adjusted to them.

"Aight," Tyler began, taking a card from his hands. "What was your first impression of me?" He looked over at Rose.

"Oh wow."

Star: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now