Good News & Bad News

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Navain's POV

Onlining my optics once more and shaking the dizziness from my helm. I look to the mech lying on the berth to see that he is all healed and that he is whole again once more. Getting back up onto my pedes then shifting back to my other form, I make my way to the door and it opened for me. Looking out I see that they are all scattered about. The blue femme is the closest to the red mech and so I walk towards her. All the others in the room notice as well and get up; all of them speaking over eachother.

My tail twitches in irritation while I quirk an optic ridge (eye brow) at them. Looking to the femme I say "If you want to go in and see him then you can..." I then whisper into her audio receptor "Talking to those in a coma does help them heal quicker and for them to wake up earlier." She nods, quickly going to where the red mech is resting and I look at the others. I then say "My designation (name) is Navain the Ancient Spirit though my title is the Chronicler. What are your designations? I never did get them."

The red and blue mech answers me "I am Optimus Prime and this is Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and that was Arcee going to see how Cliffjumper is doing." I nod my helm and then look to the humans and politely ask "And you human younglings are..." The young mechling (male teenager) answered me "I'm Jack and that's Miko and Raf." I smile slightly at them, then I look up and ask "So... Don't any of you have a million questions for me to answer?"
Ratchet jumps straight away asking "What is the Ancient Right that you performed on Cliffjumper, Navain?"

"The only way to explain it is to show you however you will need to take an ancient oath in the old glossa (tongue) to get the information you seek Ratchet." Miko then rapid fires a few questions "How many cons have you scrapped, what are you, what are you packing and can you transform?" I look at her then shutter my optics once and reply with a small smile "I don't know what a Con is, I am an Elderly Titan or an Eldar Kaiju as we are also called by my kin; though to be honest I'm uncertain about what other Cybertronians call my kin, I am unsure of what your third question means and yes I can shift to different forms whenever I wish... Does that answer your questions Miko?"

Raf then asks "What do you mean by whenever you wish?" I sigh then close my optics and allow myself to shift into my aquatic leviathan form.
My metallic armoured form becomes more like metallic blue scales and my former metallic wings shift to become sort of very large fins. I open my optics once more to see them staring at me in shock, Miko then asks "What other forms do you have?" I smirk down at her then shift my form so that my blue scales become very fine metallic black fur.

My fins shift to hard hooves and a single long horn protrudes from my forehelm (forehead). Also my size shrinks me down to about one and a half times the size of a Clydesdale. I see that Miko's eyes go wide and she runs up to me while squealing "OMG A UNICORN!" Giving me a tight hug around my neck and I just smile at the speechless mech's.

That's exactly what Arcee was greeted with when she finally came out of the Med-Bay

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That's exactly what Arcee was greeted with when she finally came out of the Med-Bay. Her optics shuttered a few times then she shrugged. "So what did I miss and where is Navain?" I snort once then reply to Arcee "I am still here Arcee... just in a different form as of the moment at hoof." Miko is still hugging me while Raf slowly comes up to me. I decide to lay down to make myself more comfortable and to appear a bit smaller. Raf did make his way over and I decided to let him be. Jack also did eventually make his way over too and I smirk in victory; even though they couldn't see it clearly.

Optimus was a bit confused, Ratchet then scans me and I shivered from it; I then turn my head to glare at Ratchet. "You do know that's a little rude Ratchet. To scan a femme without asking for her permission first." I say while raising my left optic ridge (eye brow) at him. He looks a little sheepish that he was caught and stutters a bit. Rolling my optics at him while saying "I am only messing with you Ratchet." He loosens up a little, from the corner of my optics I see Optimus crack a slight smile when no one was looking.

I then ask "So... Do please praytell as to why you are on earth and this war that I keep hearing mentions of?" Optimus pings my comlink and I open it while turning my helm towards him. Tilting my helm slightly in curiosity, he sends me an information packet containing all about the war; how, why and when it started. I then ask him over comlink *"Optimus I want an honest answer from you;... How long has it been since the Predacons reign?"* His optics widen a few fractions in shock and he replied out loud "It has been roughly over a few septillion millennia since the time you speak of."

My optics widen in shock and I'm thankful that I was already laying down otherwise I would have collapsed from shock. "Last full memory that I have other then of Primus' core is of helping a young Predaling back to his clan after teaching him how to breathe ice, then I went to Primus' core and collapsed there. I onlined there to see it had gone dark to only a flicker left in it then flew from there to earth as Primus asked me to and I only onlined due to activity nearby and the energon that was being syphoned into my systems from the crystals around me."

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