Chapter Two

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'I'm so excited.' Tessa jumped around, while walking down the road. The party wasn't that far away and the girls said that we wouldn't take the car, because they would get drunk tonight and nobody got time for getting pulled over from a police car.
'Could you just smile and act like you're about to have fun? Which you are as soon as you hold your first drink and every boy will fight for your attention.' Mary smiled and I just laughed at her and shook my head no.
'Do you hear the music?' Chris yelled because it got extremely loud around us. 'Yes it's not that the music would be quiet. I'm almost deaf.' I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and my girls just laughed about me. But I didn't care. This is my first and surely last party, so I am going to get drunk and have fun. Okay, surely I'm not getting drunk tonight, but I could pretend that I am, so my friends would be happy.

'Here's your drink, gorgeous.' the boy at the bar smiled at me. I blushed and said a polite thank you to him.
'No problem.' he answered and winked at me. I got all irritated and just spun around on my heels to search for Mary. I spotted her in the crowd, sitting on the lap of a boy, I've never seen before in my entire life. The air was so disgusting, so I went outside to the pool and just sat down on one of those garden chairs.
'Is that spot next to you taken?' a voice said next to me, but I didn't looked up.
'No, just take that chair, I don't need it.'
'I was actually gonna sit next to you, you seemed so lost. You aren't a party girl, are you?' the voice continued.
'No absolutely not. My friends forced me to go that party.' and with that I looked up just to see who's sitting next to me. Guess what. His beautiful blue eyes just looked at me.
'What?' he asked and laughed.
'Oh sorry, but aren't you like new or something at our school?' I asked and blushed.
'Yes I am. Why? Are you stalking me?' he laughed and I hit his shoulder playfully. 'No I got better things to do. But like everyone is quiet excited about you. Because you are apparently good looking. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't really care about stuff like that.'
'Are you drunk?' he smiled and I shook my head no. 'Not really, I only had like 2 drinks, but I think I'm going to get another one. If you would excuse me, I'm gonna go search the alcohol.'
'I'm gonna go with you.'
I gave him a weird look and he said 'I really want to have another drink.'
He followed right behind me and we made our way to the kitchen, where now the whole alcohol bottles stands.
'What do you want to have?' he asked and I realised how tall he was. And of course everyone was right. He was such a good looking guy.
'I'm gonna go with whatever. Just choose something good.'
My mind didn't worked properly, normally I can't speak to a guy without blushing and getting nervous as fuck, but honestly I don't give a shit right now.
This party wasn't fun and the alcohol was running through my veins.
I don't drink that often, except at family parties a glass of champagne but nothing serious. I'm not used to that amount of alcohol.
'Here you are.' Nash smiled and gave me my red cup. How cliche.
'And you? So you like parties?' I asked and looked up to him.
'Yes, yes I do. But tonight i can't get drunk, because my mom is forcing me to go to a diner party with her tomorrow. I don't want to show up completely wasted and shit.' he laughed and I laughed along with him.
'You're such a role model.' I teased him and he nodded, giggling a bit.

'Here you are, Anna. I've been searching everywhere for you. Everything alright?' Mary hugged me and I nodded casually.
'That's Nash.' I pointed to my right. 'He's new at our school, but can't get drunk tonight, because he has an important thing to do tomorrow.' I giggled and Mary raised her eyebrow.
'Are you drunk?' she asked and I nodded. 'But only a little bit. Nash was so nice and he made me a drink. Very kind of you.' I said to him and he just looked amused. 'No problem.'
'Alright, just be sure you won't get sick or anything. I don't want you to puke on my floor. If you want to go home, tell me and we are going home.' she said worried and I rolled my eyes. 'I'm fine and I'm not five anymore.'
And with that Mary turned around and left me in the kitchen, standing next to Nash who was so amused at me being drunk that you could see his dimples. They were cute.
'So your name is Anna?' Nash asked and I nodded. 'And your name is Nash.' I said, proud of myself that I'd remembered his name. Mary told me his name, I remembered.
'Do you wanna go upstairs? I wanna show you something.' he smiled and I instantly agreed without thinking twice.
After stumbling upstairs, we walked along a long corridor and we stopped at the last door on the right.
'Welcome to my room.' Nash said and lead me inside.
'You are living here.?' i said confused and he laughed. 'Yes, I'm living here.'
'So this is your party?'
'Yes. Yes, it is.'
'You sure?'
'Yes. Yes, I am.'
'But you said you don't wanna be wasted tomorrow. Why the fuck would you throw a party, after being at school for one day, and then have to clean it up all day tomorrow? What are you saying to your mom?'
'Would you stop asking so many unnecessary questions? My mom is out of town till tomorrow afternoon. And tomorrow morning there will be coming a cleaning team and they will clean the whole house and my mom will never know.'
'Don't kiss and tell.' I said.
'Don't kiss and tell.' he laughed.
'I'm actually surprised no ones up here to have sex.. Kinda weird.'
'Not all people are like that.' I giggled.
'Would you have sex at a party like that?'
'No. Would you?' I asked.
'Yes.' he said honestly.

My phone rang and I opened my purse just to see that it's Mary.
'Where are you?'
'Come down, we want to go.'
'But I don't want to.'
'But we are leaving. And so do you. Come downstairs. We are waiting. It's nearly 3 am.'
'Are you being serious? Fuck.' I hung up and looked over at Nash who gave me a questionable look.
'It's 3 am, I really have to go now. Bye.'
I rushed over to the door and quickly but safely made my way downstairs, to see Mary, Tessa and Chris waiting for me and letting out a sigh as soon as the saw me.
'Come one, little girl. Let's get you home.' Mary smiled and she took my hand, before we went outside, to walk back to Mary's.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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