Part 6; Italia!

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June 2007

Gesualdo, Province of Avellino, Italy

Ellen POV

I look around the small hotel room. I have spent the last 2 months staying in this hotel room. I've spent most of my days meeting and getting reacquainted with some relatives. I have some memories of coming here after my mother had died when I was a little girl. We stayed here all that summer and met my great-grandfather and some uncles and cousins. This is also where my father met my step-mother. Now my great-grandfather died a few years back and my uncle that lived in the states moved here and his family lives here now.

Sometimes I would run into fans and I loved sitting and chatting with them. I look over at the clock, 10am, it is around 1am in Los Angeles. Chris has tried to call me and so has Patrick but I answered neither. Chris knew there wasn't great cell service here so he didn't call as much. Patrick would always call at least twice a day, always leaving the same message I could recite by now.

Today, me and my cousin Sienna are taking her daughter, Emilia who is 5, to Naples and swim at the beach. I stood up and went and got myself ready. I put on a white and blue bikini, then over it I put a cat t-shirt that I fell in love with and Emilia loves it, black leggings, and black doc martens.

I packed a bra and underwear to put on after the beach, a towel and sun screen in beach bag. I may be Italian but I sure do burn like hell. I grabbed the black leather satchel sitting on the table and pulled it over my shoulder. I hurried out of the hotel room with my beach bag and went down to the parking area. I sat on the scooter that my uncle had lent me while I stayed. I took the quick drive over to Natalie's house and parked the scooter just outside.

Natalie was my uncle George's daughter. She was the middle of 5, the two oldest lived in the United States. I honk the horn on the scooter and Emilia comes bolting out the door.

"Ciao Auntie El," her small voice mixed with the Italian accent was the cutest thing I ever heard. She came running into my arms. Over the two months, Emilia had became attached to me and I loved being around her.

"Ciao Emi, You ready for a day at the beach," I lifted her up into my arms. She really reminded me of Tal with such a bright personality.

"Sì, mamma said we are going to explore too," she smiled. The family spoke both English and Italian, mostly in English around each other.

Sienna came out the door, she had a large sunglasses over her eyes, she had a beach bag and a snack bag for Emilia.

"Ciao Ellen," she smiled walking over to her car and putting the bags in, taking mine also and putting them in with hers.

"How is your papà," I asked Emilia as I sat her in her car seat, making sure to buckle her in.

"Good, he said to be careful tho, dere are sometimes squali in da water," she gave me a serious nod, grabbing one of the many toys she had as I sat in the front seat.

I giggled, which she always giggled along with me.

The drive to Naples was pretty easy, besides the argument between Emilia's dolls. We passed by a small house right out side of the city, a young man was standing out there watching two small boys play. She waved at her youngest half-brother who moved here to take care of his mother's father and he waved back.

After we got their, Emilia dragged both of us to some of the small shops and she loved it. She pointed out some birds and of course, paparazzi was there but I didn't even barley notice. None of them really talked just took the occasionally picture then asked me to sign a picture, they were huge fans of Grey's Anatomy and were super nice to Emilia and she loved having her picture taken.

After we ate lunch, we walked around for thirty minutes then headed to the beach. At the beach, we walked around and me and Sienna both helped Emilia create a huge sand castle. We spent some time in the water and Emilia snapped a picture with the camera we brought and it turned out pretty good.

After the beach, we headed to a local place and I changed out of the wet bikini and into regular bra and panties then on with my normal clothes. After we changed we grabbed ice cream before heading back.

After she got back to her hotel room, it was already 8pm. I grabbed the blackberry I forgot this morning and look, missed call and voicemail from 'Paddy' and I listened to the voicemail, like I did every night and even though it said the same thing, I loved hearing his voice. I laid down in bed and put the phone to my ear, listening to it. I smiled as his voice played over the mobil device.

"Hey Ellie..."

An; hehe, cliffhanger. I know it's not a huge one but the next chapter is how Paddy is doing while she is in Italy. I hope you are enjoying. Arrivederci.

Here is the guide to the Italian word (if you didn't look them up)

Ciao - Hello
Sì - Yes
Mamma - mom
Papà - dad
Squali - Shark
Arrivederci - bye

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