Chapas mind

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Chapa pov (in her head)
There was a group of people yelling fight fight I went to the middle and yelled " get your hand off him Daren." The bully got up and said " see chapa you want to save him just try making your silly music maybe you are week to you can't even protect anyone." Then he hit me right in the face. I landed on the ground next to my friends Jeremy but he was younger.
Back at the mans nest
M: is that you guy when you guys were younger
J: yeah she protect me and my friends Sophia and we started to be really good friends.
M: what the one kids say about your music
J: oh we like to make are on music
Back in chapas head
It was a big concerts it was friendship power band. Jeremy was sing the a little girl named Sophia then chapa appeared they were sing and they had a blasted they got a lot of love.
Back at the mans nest
MM: wait so music you guys are friendship power
J: yeah we made it a few years ago and now look at us
M : so you guy had all this fame so why can't chapa but another phone
J: idk really she never told me
R: she never told you
B: look something on the screen
Back in chapas head
Miles,Mika,ray,Boses,Schwox, Jeremy, and Sophia entered a house. It was weird there was huge mess the someone yelled " chapa dear I hear you are home can you get you little siblings please." Chapa yelled " yeah mom Jeremy and Sophia can help. Then it went to chapa point of view there was flames ice shard water everywhere and one of her little siblings appeared out of thin air then the other ran super fast but Jeremy got him and Sophia got a little boy shooting water every where. Then Sophia made him calm down and with a touch of her hand. Then a little girl came right through the ceiling then chapa used her lighting to move a object under her.
Back at the men nest
S: wait her family has powers
J: yes and me and Sophia have powers to
M: how could her whole family have powers
J: a ray hit there house a few years back and yeah but chapa was at my house it did not hit her
S: how did you and Sophia get your powers
J: born with them that what are parents said
Then there was beeping happening by chapa chapa woke up but

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