Where Is Father?

108 17 4

Present day



"What happens to them after they die?" Her voice is a curious whisper.

"To the Translucent?" I wait for her nod. "I don't know. They probably go wherever they were supposed to go in the first place before they became a Translucent."

"And where were they supposed to go?" She looks at me like I actually have the answer. Like I have every answer.

"They don't remember. I tried finding out what exactly makes them Translucent after they first die but some of them refuse to even believe that they were ever humans."

Her head tilts. "Why aren't you still broken?" I can see her pacing her questions.

"Because about a week ago, it all clicked. I finally wrote the letter to my father and I don't know how, but he sent one back. He must have done something to the paper because as soon as I touched it, everything aligned. I could remember. It all shifted into focus. I can still lose control, but I actually know how to...be in control of it. It sounds wrong but it actually does make sense." I explain.

"Does it still kill you?" She shifts to sitting on her feet. "What did your father say?"

"I don't know what it's actually doing to my brain but since it was Lochlan who told me about it, I'm not too worried. As for my father...he said he was proud of me. About twenty times. Then he said that he'll tell me why I don't want to kill him whenever we see each other again in person. That's it." I stack our plates on top of each other, and hand them to Drexel who is now cleaning off the table we still sit at.

"Okay. But what about right before I was released? What happened then?" She wants to connect every piece of the story.

"Well the first time, I had finally convinced Ess to help me fight. There were more Translucent than usual and he wanted to get out of the house. I guess she got scared and ran out right before the actual fight started. Ess was a crazy one but she would rather make a deal than fight. Everyday I woke up to something strange with him. Except for once when he had seduced the newspaper lady into your room. I caught her before anything major happened though."

"And the second time?"

"Telliyon saved you from fighting. He told me that Krissy is the one who's sending the herds to attack us. And that all of them are recently created Translucent."

"Because she's stuck in a door like Hans was." Emmeline nods like this is common sense.

"Wait," I remember what Dindolcon and the Reaper-Mother had said about the Sibling going through the wrong door while trying to leave the Reaper-Mother's chamber and not coming back out. "...like she was able to go through the door but not come back out?" I had been hoping that she just died instead.

"Exactly." Emmeline is surprised that I didn't figure out what was so obvious to her. She beams, vibrating slightly as she realizes that I'm still me. Unable to connect the things right in front of my face.

"I really did miss you."


"I really did miss you." I watch him exhale. He looks at me like everything is fixed now that I'm here. Even though he's still very much Dumaine, it's a slightly different look than it used to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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