Chapter won

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"Shit! It's burning!" I skwealed as my toester abruptly cot on fire and started smoking. "Ugh now I have burnt toast. :(" I shuffled too the toaster and through it into the sink turning on the water bloo sparks filled the ro om and berned my outsides. "At least the toest isn't burnt anymor uwu" I syed as I picked up a bananapple and crunchety-munchetyed on it.

Well time for yu to get two kno me better. Hi my name is Rien but it's pronounce klike Ryan. I hat eit too. I am gorl but like cooking and siniging and Leo. Leo is soo hot it burns me more than my toast. I love him and he love me too. He so cool its his singular personalite trait I can mencion.

"Now Im getting hungwy again :0" my tummy grumbled *I grab some milk and pour it into a bowl* and i take the serial bocks. and poor itin. I ate my food and started packing for shcool. I need to dresses to impres Leo today." I got out my mini-skirt and my sistsers sport bra. perfect i openned my door and to the bustop.

The bus drivr looked at me funiey as. i walk up the isle. I went to sit next to my bestest freind Alayne. "Get the fuck away from me you fucking whore. I know where you fucking live and I have twenty gallons of kerosene" she said ahahahaha your so fun Alayne i told her. But i definetly respevt other peoples boundaries so i sat down next to her.

She pulled a nife out of her bag and slas hed at me but my safety-forcefeild stopped her. I choice decide to except her authorite and sat necks to my alsobestest freind Matilda.

"Heyyyy matilda! :D" (A/N: Matilda is Rien's best friend since the second grade and also the last year so they are very close) I greted smiling an slllliiiiiiding in next to her. She happied to and took out her earbuds. As she did that Nico ands my toast-hot freiend Leo leened over the bus eat. "Whatcha listenign towoo?"its I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco she says and strts singign it:

"Oh, well imagine

As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor

And I can't help but to hear

No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

What a beautiful wedding

What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter

Oh yes, but what a shame"

Leo and Nico adn Matilda al screem "What a shame the poor groom's bride is a WHORE!" att the same time making me laughter. I hvae such good friedns right hahha. N ico is quite and shy andis smarts butt im smarter bobviosly.

"So Leo what do you thought of my outfit? ;)" I standing-ovation up and stroke a pose the but the bus was stilt moving and i fell the floor. O NO! I was humidiated in front of everyon. Leo just siged dispointed and shook his head Ohmg he love it i tjhink to myself.

"What happen? Nico asksk "I'm am to short. he sad faces. Leo looks at sad Nico and wantsted him to be cu red of that statis condintion. "Its look like you coud used a booster seat" Leo smerked and pulled Nico into his lap with his bigstrong arms. Nico blushed. am soooo gelis of nicon ow the entire scool laughter at me an dnico gets to sit in Leo's big lap. I shud be their bcause he lova me. I uwUed nex to Matilda again.

"You am mad?" Matilda qestion me. I nods and a portal to space-thyme open in front of us. Sofia step through the portol and it dispeared. Ugh i hate Sofia she so annoying i hate her. One times just last year she baked cookees for the hole class. I hated it was so anoy becauses they were cinamon (A/N: This is Rien's least favorite food) and had glutben and I have lactose intolerantness so I had too ate icecream instead.

She smiley and sat down next to to Alayne and they started talking just then George Washingotn floated through a the window. George is our frend that ksome peopl cant'not see. I think its because he's is transparence but he says its because he a ghost but he lieing about that. Hes so funnie always talk ing about things like american't revolotion and how he death.

The bus driver yells at al of us to "Get uot now!" i saded again becuase I nkew wewere still a mile away from skol. "Everybone behind ther jump-window-exit?" the bus nodded and the bus drive counted up from 3 to 1 then the jump-exits opned. Evryone leaped out of their exit and we walked the walk to schol as the bus driver away in to into the sunset .

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