*+ Chapter 1 +*

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Athy's POV:

I woke up, stretched as the sun shone in my eyes, covering them with my hands as I slowly opened them. Listening to the ruffling of my sheets, I hopped out of bed, sliding into my slippers. Hearing a knock on the door, I looked over, hearing a familiar voice.

"Lady Athanasia? Are you ready to get up?"

"Yes, Lily!" I replied as I yawned once more.

She opened the door, as I looked over seeing her sweet smile. Lily had a certain comforting smile, one like a mother's waking up to tell her child breakfast is ready.. But what would I know about that?

I looked at the floor, raising and lowering my toes in a rhythmic type movement, before looking back up at Lily with a smile.

"I'm ready to change!" I said, walking over to Lily, as I gave her a big hug, feeling her warm embrace around my torso, I rubbed my nose into her neck and gave a long exhale, as a response to her scent of roses.

"Let's get you changed, yeah?" She smiled, looking down at me before walking towards my wardrobe, taking out a pretty blue dress, with decorative jewels down the side, a jeweled belt, bordered lace sleeves, and a ruffled bottom with a flowery decorative top that brought out my eyes, along with the ribbon Jeannette got me.

After, she tied up my hair using the pretty ribbon, and we exited the room, to be greeted with a sweet smile from Felix.

I ran into his arms, getting a sweet warm embracing hug from him as well. I started to think.. with all these unfortunate people, do I really have the right to be upset about my mother? I have so many amazing people watching me, caring for me, I suppose it makes up for it, right?

Suddenly, I heard steps, snapping me out of my comforting moment with Felix, along with a sudden dark aura in the room. Immediately Felix released me, backing up and ending it with a bow. Looking up, I saw Lily bowing too, then looking at the cause for that dark aura, was Papa; giving Felix a deadly stare. So much for that.

I giggled, as I jumped into Papa's arms, him embracing me as I cuddled into his neck, him on his knees.

"Papa, Papa, today can we have some French Waffles with Blueberries? I heard the maids learnt a new recipe. Please, please, pleeeaseee?" I looked at him with pleading, puppy dog eyes as he looked back at me and shrugged.

"I suppose it can be done.." He grumbled, glaring at Felix one more time, as he whimpered like a puppy. "Yay!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand as I smiled. We exited the corridor, going to the dining room.

As we reached the dining room, I felt Papa sort of exclaim before getting there. Like a little light bulb, appeared on top of his head. I sat down in my down in my chair, as he sat as well, talking to the maids.

Soon after, we got our breakfast, as I desired, French Waffles with Blueberries! As I fiddled with it, he began to speak.

"Princess, your Debutante Ball is coming up. Do you know who you're going with?" He looked up at me, as I was obviously surprised.

"No, I hadn't even though about it til now.." I fiddled with my thumbs, wrinkling my lips as I looked at the floor. Would anyone even go with me? Maybe Felix would, but I'm a terrible dancer... I wouldn't wanna hurt him.. Who would even dance with me, they all know how clumsy I am.. I suppose classes would help.. but I still had no idea who to bring.

"How about that Wizard, what's his name.. Luka... Luke..." He struggled, trying to find the right name...

"LUCAS!" I exclaimed, slightly banging on the table, the silverware providing the sound of a slight shatter. "L-L-Lucas?! The Royal Wizard? He's.. He's..!" I stammered, trying to find the right words, but failing.

"He's..? I think he's the best choice, you've known him your whole life, you're... best friends." He sounded disgusted by the fact.

"I-I guess.." Continuing to twiddle my thumbs, my heart slightly raced. Lucas.. Lucas?! He's a total jerk..! Would he even t-think about going with me? He-He's too.. cocky! He'd probably think he's too good for me.. I guess it wouldn't be too bad.. I mean.. I-I consider us friends..?

Papa, noticing me spacing out, sighed. "It was just an idea... You don't have to consider it.." He looked away, not trying to show his obvious worry.

"I-It's fine, Papa..! I find it as a great idea! I-I'll consider it.." I looked slightly to the left, outside at the birds chirping. Seeing a hint of black, I noticed, L-Lucas...!? What was he doing out there, looking at the flowers, so early in the morning..?

He looked back at me, raising an eyebrow, then blowing a raspberry, I glared, looking back at my plate to finish eating. What was I thinking? Even considering dancing with him..? Ridiculous.


After eating with Papa, and the Debutante Talk, I sat in my Library, trying to study, I couldn't focus.

Debutante.. Lucas.. Dance... Huh?! It sounds.. crazy! I ruffled my hair, obviously stressing out due to thinking about it so much. I plopped my head on the table, looking to the side. I then felt a slight pulling motion at my hair, feeling the weight of Jeanette's ribbon subtract from me.

I swung around, seeing a ruby-eyed boy with black hair, tied up into a ponytail, holding the ribbon in his hand with a robe. My hair fell down over my eyes, as I pushed it behind my ear I exhaled.

"L-Lucas..?! You scared me..! D-Don't do that..!" I exclaimed, surprised as I looked to the right, nervously.

"You're jumpy.. What's up?" He plopped down beside me, dropping the ribbon into my lap. I picked it up, fiddling with it for a few seconds, before looking up at him.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about my Debutante, is all.." I puffed one side of my cheek, placing the ribbon back into my lap. He paused, before realizing.

"Oh yeah, you don't have anyone to take you, huh?" He laughed. "Yeah, with those disaster feet, that'll be a problem.." He looked down at them, trying to hold back another laugh, not to hurt my feelings.

"I-It's not funny..!" I huffed, crossing my arms as I looked away, trying to hide my obviously embarrassed, red face. A moment after, I see the ruby-eyed boys face, centimeters from mine. I pull back, surprised by his actions. "L-Lucas..?!"

He looks at me for a few seconds before backing away, with a huff he says:

"Your hair looks better down.... You don't need so many bows."

My eyes, slightly widened. I grasped my hair in my hands, squeezing it as I looked to the bottom right, avoiding his gaze. I had never thought about Lucas as anything other than a friend, until this morning.. I'd never noticed the tiny things. Although I usually did, trying not to face or fear death, my entire life.

I looked back up at him and smiled, but then... I did the unbelievable.

"Do you want to dance with me at my Debutante?"


Hello! Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't know a better way to end it. Please enjoy it! I will be writing a longer one and posting it! So please, do not worry! I am aiming for maybe 3k words? That seems to be the average. This was only 1.3k!

Please share this with your friends! That would be awesome. I would also enjoy reading comments. Thanks for reading, see you later readers!

Open Your Heart to Me (WMMAP Fanfic) (Lucas x Athy)Where stories live. Discover now