*+ Chapter 3: Disappointing Dinner +*

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Lucas POV:

I was strolling outside, as do it every morning. Looking at the pretty birds, trees, flowers, and they made me think of Athy. The pretty dress she was wearing had so many floral accessories, she looked really nice. Now that I think about it, last night... Last night she gave me a really warm hug, too. I wonder why that is..

I look at Athy, having her regular scheduled dinner with her father. All day she had been practicing her dancing, and getting ready for her Debutante, which was only the next day.

Only.. I looked closer.. and I didn't see her father..

I saw... Ijekiel Alpheus... Wait.. Ijekiel Alpheus?! Whitey's boy? Why is she having dinner with him? It's so fancy. Why is she having dinner with him with such a busy busy schedule?

I got a bit closer, peeking through the window, after cloaking myself with an invisibility spell.

"How embarrassing it'd be if I was caught.." I exhaled, before peeking into the window.

Why was he laughing? Why was SHE laughing with him? What was so funny? Are they really enjoying themselves? He's a sneaky one, Ijekiel, he is. I bet he'd just swoop her off her feet and take her away if he had the chance.

I scrunched up my nose, unsatisfied with the amount of intel I was getting.

I put my finger onto the window, making it less soundproof than before. I couldn't hear much, but I could hear one thing.

" Will you allow me to assist you to your Debutante? "

WHAT ?! Was he CRAZY? Did he even know she was going with the Palaces Royal Wizard?! He doesn't stand a chance! It's... insulting, he thinks he can just sneak his way in.. I need to do something about this.. !

While I was having my little PANIC fest.. I heard Athy begin to speak.

"  Sure. "

Upon hearing those words, my heart dropped. How could she? I thought we connected last night. Did she not feel the same way I did? Is her connection with Ijekiel that much stronger?

She smiled, her sweet genuine smile, that was usually only for me. That was my smile, my laugh, my Athy. And he was taking her away from me. Bit by bit.

I stomped off, annoyed.


Athy's POV:

I sat there, as I spoke with Ijekiel. You have no idea how surprised I was when he asked me to the Debutante. He dislikes Lucas, if he knew I was going with him there's no telling how he'd react.. How upset he'd be.. So I blurted out something. Something I regret.

" Sure."

Sure?! Sure?!? Not sure! No, no, no!! Why do I ALWAYS act without thinking?! I'm going with LUCAS. Not Ijekiel. How did I get myself caught up in this? How did I let myself say yes? How am I gonna tell Lucas?

I sat there, uncomfortably. Listening to Ijekiel ramble, while I wasn't really listening.

" Princess? Am I uninteresting? I apologize. I do have to be on my way though. Please excuse me. " He smiled, before getting up from his chair and putting it back in. He politely bowed.

" N-No... You're not uninteresting, my head is just very.. mixed at the moment..." I looked at the table, in a sort of faze.

"Ah, I see. Your debutante is only a day away. I do suppose you're busy. I'll come be tomorrow morning. I look forward to our dance. " He smiled before leaving.

Open Your Heart to Me (WMMAP Fanfic) (Lucas x Athy)Where stories live. Discover now