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It was a bright morning. Though I was all worn out, I was real happy to see the sun shine. Tomorrow was school and to be honest, I am a bit nervous, life at school can turn out to be blissful or awful depending on your first day. Will I get new friends? "big question mark" I said to myself cause I knew I never needed one when I was in Los Angeles cause there was this Kyle guy who never left my side. 

I then stopped pondering, dressed myself up in a black-white shirt and a black gene and went downstairs. Ms.Harriot was down in the kitchen eating egg rolls. Neither did I help nor asked for help this time, I took two breads and put them in the toaster. Since I will have to wait for 10 mins, I went out to pick the news papers, partly to escape the awkwardness floating in the air. "thanks...for picking it up for me"said Ms.Harriot wait WHAT?! is Ms.Rude thanking me? did I hear it right? "ha..ha! you are welcome aunt Harriot" I said which came out more awkwardly than I had imagined.

"knock,knock" came a voice from behind me. I turned, only to find someone standing dangerously close in front "?!?!!". The guy tousled my hair before he moved further into the house to greet aunt Harriot "Hello, my boy, Alen, right? did you think about my proposal?" questioned Aunt Harriot "yup, I think I'll give it a try" said Alen. He then turned to look at me "who?..." before he could finish Aunt answered guessing his question "ah! this is Selena from Los Angeles, she is Ruby's friend, she is attending the same school as you"said Aunt.

" before he could finish Aunt answered guessing his question "ah! this is Selena from Los Angeles, she is Ruby's friend, she is attending the same school as you"said Aunt

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"cool....the one who made a big fuss yesterday was you,wasn't it?"asked Alen "ah! ha..ha.." I laughed nervously not wanting to get a bad name from aunt "Found ya!!" exclaimed someone out of the blue making me spin in shock, the voice was so obviouly...ZETH? No way I thought today was going to peaceful! "you left your phone in the table,Alen!...OH!Hey! Selena " said Zeth. Seems like they have come with a plan of putting me in trouble. Aunt started talking stuffs I didn't understand with Alen. "What about Max?" asked aunt "Ah! he is actually missing, he left, I guess" said Alen "Zeth do you know anything about Max's whereabouts?"asked aunt "nope aunty, I have no idea"replied Zeth

 "What about Max?" asked aunt "Ah! he is actually missing, he left, I guess" said Alen "Zeth do you know anything about Max's whereabouts?"asked aunt "nope aunty, I have no idea"replied Zeth

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TO BE CONTINUED...Where stories live. Discover now