Chapter 5

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Hayes pushed me inside and slammed the door shut. I stumbled in before I turned to look at him.

His eyes were fuming with rage causing my confidence to waver and my heart to sink deep.

Why is he so mad?

My feet began moving backwards on their own and with round eyes of a prey, I looked at him with fear of being attacked at any moment.

I gulped and I tried hard to find my lost courage but I was too terrified to do so.

My legs trembled and my knees almost gave up because.. I've had enough.

I've had enough of it all.

Their torturer games and savage behaviour were too brutal for me. I don't want this, I can't bear this, I can't, just no more.

But then deep down, a part of me cried, 'this is only the beginning.'

My heart jumped to my throat as my back hit the wall, giving me a major panic attack of being trapped.

He grunted and barged at me.

I gasped and turned my head sideways as he angrily fisted the wall right next to my face.

The impact caused me to flinch abruptly and my eyes shut tightly.

What is wrong with him?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He barked in my face.

For a moment I stood there stunned before I turned to look at him in bewilderment.

"What is wrong with me?" I repeated, my eyebrows arched up in disbelief.

Is he serious!?

"Why can't you just stay out of trouble? Is it too hard for you?" He spatted and I frowned.

What the heck?

"Excuse me!? Why would you blame this shit on me? I never asked for any of this." I argued back.

"Yeah.. and look who's here." He said with a sarcastic tone and backed away, dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

"Are you claiming that I'm the cause of all this shit? I'm responsible for all this madness? Are you mad?" This time, I was the one who couldn't keep the volume low.

Ugh! He's freaking mad, insane, twisted.. bastard!

"It is because you fucking put yourself in such situations. So yes, it's you," he came closer and poked his finger on my forehead as he continued, "who's fucking nuts here."

"You're unbelievable!" I whispered as I had goosebumps of disbelief all over my body.

How could he?

"When I told you not to move, why would you still do that?" He asked, half yelled desperately searching my eyes for an answer.

"It's because.. it's because.." I cut off because my voice broke as I choked on the lump in my throat.

It's because you stole my precious first kiss, bastard! I yelled in my head because even if I wanted to, I couldn't voice it out loud.

It's ok, it's ok. I can do this. Crying isn't the answer to every problem. I am fine.

My eyes became watery but I refused to let a single tear escape because I had enough of showing my emotions and weakness to someone who takes pleasure from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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