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She was fast asleep, I had to carry her into her room. Actually, the house wasn't that big, so it was easy for me to get the room. I really didn't know if the room was hers but at least I tried, I laid her on the bed.
I slept on the couch in the living room, It was so uncomfortable. I gotten bitten by dozens of mosquitoes, I slapped myself countless of times. Well, thank God for electricity, it would have been worse.
I can't spend another night here, I said within me.

It was exactly 1:20 am when I heard footsteps coming from the room. Is she awake? I asked myself and sat up.

"Hi, I'm sorry I slept off last night, I was so stressed and tired." She yawned and sat on the couch.

"It's fine." I smiled.

"Well, you should have taken a blanket since you knew you'd be sleeping on the couch." She said looking sleepy.

"I can't just start going through your stuff," I told her.

"Oh, then you ought to have slept on the bed so you could share the one I have in my room." She yawned again. I guess she was sleeptalking, it would have been indecent to sleep on the same bed with her without her permission; what if she woke up and slap me.

"Alex, come and sleep inside." She pulled me.

"OK, but I prefer to sleep in another room to avoid inconveniences," I told her.

"The only room left is my aunt's." She said with her eyes closed.

"I can manage hers." I looked at her.

"The thing is, I can't sleep alone in that room. I'm scared." She told me, now her eyes were wide opened.

"Haha, isn't that your room? Don't you sleep alone? Besides you slept in the whole house alone last night." I chucked.

"Actually, I didn't close my eyes all through that night." She said to me.

"Really?" I was surprised.

"So, Cmon. Let's go." She pulled me again, this time, harder. I followed her into her room.

"How did you know this room is mine? like, you brought me here." She asked.

"Smart guess." I smiled.

"Really." She looked at me.

"Yes, really." I smiled.

She climbed the bed and I was a bit nervous and tensed, I just wasn't comfortable. We were both on the bed, she took the blanket over us. I faced the other side and had my back facing her.
"Alex? Are you comfortable?" She asked.

"I'm okay," I said, not facing her.


I woke up to see Rose's head on my chest and her hands wrapped around me, she slept with a smile on her face. I couldn't have myself disrupt such beautiful sleep.

There was a loud knock on the door, Rose woke up immediately.
"Rose, who could that be." I panicked.

"It's dawn already." She yawned. The knock came again.

"Who could that be Rose?" I said again.

She laughed, pointing her finger at me. "Why are you shivering." She laughed and said: "I'll go check."
I followed her, and we were both astounded by who we met at the door.

"David?" I was so happy to see him.

"Come in David, good morning." Rose smiled.

"So what are you guys now? Married couples." He smiled and walked in.

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