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AN: Fair warning, I am going to hurt this boy. I'm sorry, I just... I can't find any good Awase angst, okay?? Lol.

Warning! Cursing and abuse. Also blood, I guess. 


Awase POV

My brother reads over my UA application form, his brow furrowed. Shit. I didn't mean for him to find it...!

He turns to me menacingly, the paper in his hand crinkling as he crushed it. "Yosetsu, are you applying to UA?"

I shake my head furiously as he comes closer, eventually backing me up onto the wall. "Are you sure? Because it sure looks like it to me."

I just look up into his face, fearful. I'm trembling. 

"Answer me when I speak, you weakling." my brother snarls, and he slams his fist into my stomach. I gasp and slouch against the wall, bracing myself for more. 

"Why don't you listen to me? You're worthless." he shouts, and continues to pummel me with his fists and kicking me. 

Something sparks in me and I growl, "I... I want to be a hero. T-to protect people from m-monsters like y-you."

"What did you say, brat?" his eyes flash in anger and he sinks his fist into the side of my head. I gasp and stumble to the side, and I can feel blood trickling from my ear. 

My brother stands over me, and I whimper like a kicked dog. He clenches his fists and says calmly, "I warned you. But you never listen, do you?"

Tetsutetsu POV

I blink awake and yawn. What time is it? It feels a little early. I check my phone. Man! It's almost 2:00 in the morning. Something must have woken me up. 

I listen closely and realize that I can hear someone sniffling and whimpering. Is that... Awase? Next door? Whoa, I've never seen or heard him cry before. I should probably check on him. 

I get out of bed and tiptoe as quietly as I can out into the hall and to Awase's door. Yeah, it was definitely him crying. I slowly open his door and peer in. His room is pretty clean, and it doesn't have too much in it. There's a pretty big desk in the corner covered in broken stuff that Awase is probably planning on fixing later. He also has... quite a lot of bandannas lying around in random places. 

I look at Awase himself and he isn't doing so good. He had successfully kicked all of his bed sheets off the bed, and he's flinching and whimpering, "N-no... stop... h-hurts..."

I creep closer, and realize that a huge amount of tears are streaming from his eyes and soaking his bed. I sit down on the edge of his mattress uncertainly while he still cries and babbles incoherently. 

"H-hey, man, wake up!" I whisper, and I shake his shoulder a little. He only seems to panic more and starts to kick and move around frantically, as if searching for an escape route. 

"Awase, calm down! Wake up! Awase!"I say, louder this time. "C'mon, man, wake up!!" 

He suddenly gasps awake and tries to scramble away, eyes darting around in a panicky blur. 

"Hey, hey! It's okay, calm down. It's Tetsutetsu, you're okay." I try to comfort him, and to my relief, he seems to relax a little, and focuses on my face. 


"Yeah, bro. I heard you crying and came to check it out. You good?" I ask, worried. 

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