Warnings and Flirtatious Behavior

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AN: Aa sorry for the lame title, lol. I couldn't think of anything better QwQ (Also omg I'm so sorry this chapter is super long-- I couldn't help it lol.)


Awase POV
7:26 A.M.

The next morning, I open my eyes to the sight of Tetsutetsu's sleeping face. Oh. I guess he didn't want to move me. 

Still half-asleep, I let my eyes trail up and down my friend's body lazily. I can see his muscular chest through his thin shirt rising and falling as he breathes, and his face is smushed against the pillow in a cute way. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I stare at him a while longer. 

I want to kiss him. 

...what. I rub my eyes and roll over so I'm facing the ceiling. Snap out of it, Awase! I can't fuckin kiss this perfect, strong, kind, awesome, cute and lovable man. No. Even though it's tempting and he's... right there... sleeping next to me... aa I can feel his breath tickling my neck.

I roll back over despite my best efforts and reach up to his face with my hand. I can't help but lightly brush my fingertips over his big, fluffy eyelashes curiously, and Tetsutetsu makes a little sound in the back of his throat. I quickly pull my hand away. Argh, his skin looks soft...

Why am I doing this to myself?? My face flushes red and I groan. Holy shit I have fallen hard for this man, and only in a span of 24 hours. A new record. 

Tetsutetsu startles awake from my groan and blinks, focusing on me. 

"Oh... hey. G'morning." he says in a husky morning voice. Goddamn he is hot. 

I bury my face into the pillows to hide my insanely red face and mumble, "Yep. Good morning."

We just lay their for a couple more minutes, and then suddenly Kendo bursts into the room, making us both jump and whip our heads around to the door. "Wake u-- OH!" She stops and stares at us. In the same bed. And my face is super red. 

"Oh-ho, what do we have here~?" I hear Tokage snicker from behind Kendo. I just plop my head down and close my eyes again. 

"I'm too tired for your bullshit today. Leave us alone to lie here awkwardly and let me contemplate my life decisions in peace."

Tetsutetsu snorts and shoves my shoulder a little. "That's no way to talk, Awase!" He then shifts his attention to the girls at the door.

He didn't notice, but I got even redder at his touch. Dammit.

"Hey! Awase couldn't sleep last night, so we watched movies until he fell asleep in here. I didn't want to risk waking him up, so I didn't move him back into his room."

The girls exchange glances and say, "Riiiiiight."

I groan and grab Tetsutetsu's arm, shaking it. Oh god his skin is so soft-- I can't--
Before I can self-combust, I whine, "Get them out. I'm tired and I feel... kind of sick..."

It's true. My head is starting to hurt a bit and I squint up at Tetsutetsu, who is now studying me with concern. "Huh, you do look pretty sick right now... I should take your temperature." he says, then pries me off his arm so he can get up and rifle through his desk drawer.

"Concerned boyfriend mode, huh, Tetsutetsu?" Kendo laughs, and I shoot her a death glare. Well, I try to, anyway. My eyes can't seem to focus. 

"Get out... I... don't... can't..." I curl into myself. What is happening?! My head hurts like hell. 

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