life lesson #5

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Uhm today this one is gonna be a lil cliche so I notice everybody walking around with the latest jordans, ferragamo shirts belts etc. And having all this money but I really wanna know is are you happy with where you are in life

I'm sure you're all familiar with the quote "money can't buy you happiness " 

I hate to brake it to you but that is true I don't care if you have more money then OPRAH all I honestly care is if your happy

Ask your self the following questions

1)  are you really happy?

2) no matter how much expensive material you have is it really what you want?

3) are you making yourself look happy so you can just be the "it" person around your neighborhood?

Think about it are you happy or are you hiding all behind a smile

Trust me I thought I was happy but little did I know

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