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Looking around at the camp, y/n is amazed. Grover smiles at her. "It's a lot to take in. You don't have any idea who your dad is, do you?"
"No," she replies.
He nods slowly. "That's fine. If he likes you, you'll be claimed by campfire tonight. That's the classic way, anyway." Grover looks around. "Let's get you settled in the Hermes cabin. That's where you go when you're not claimed yet," he explains. Apparently, y/n looks just as confused as she feels.
**Time skippity skip because I can**
"Hey. Welcome to the Hermes cabin," a tall guy with curly brown hair says. "I'm Connor Stoll, head counselor."
"Hi. I'm y/n," y/n replies. Immediately after she says her name, a blinding light flashes through the room, illuminating her h/c hair.
Connor blinks twice, shielding his eyes. "You mean you're y/n, daughter of Apollo. Let's get you over there. I guess you should meet your siblings."
**le time skip**
Will Solace looks y/n up and down. "Another sister? Wow. Dad never ceases to have more kids. And how old did you say you were?"
"I didn't... and I'm sixteen," y/n tells him.
"Coolio broski. Well, make yourself at home. I have to-" Will is then interrupted by a short black-haired boy that comes in and slaps him across the face. "Neeks, babe, I can't-"
The Neeks person growls. "Can't what, make time for your boyfriend anymore?" he asks aggressively.
"Nico!" Will hisses, then gestures at y/n.
Nico glances at her. "Hi, Apollo kid. Can I steal my boyfriend back now?"
"You're gay?" The question slips out of y/n's mouth before she can stop it. "I-I'm sorry, I just..."
"No need," Nico reassures her. "Yeah, we're gay, and we're dating. Well... I thought we were, before Mr. Ignores-a-Lot started up!" He glares at Will, who bends down and kisses his boyfriend's forehead.
"Okay, sunshine, I'll be done in like five minutes. Okay?" he says, shooing Nico our the door. "Wait in the infirmary, please." Will turns back to his new sister. "Sorry about that."
Y/n shakes her head. "It's fine. Sorry for... asking that."
"Oh no, that's completely fine. I get that question several times a day, from campers who have been here for years," Will assures her. "Like I said, make yourself at home. That bed in the corner is free, okay?"
Y/n nods. "Cool," she replies

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