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Rachel paced in front of y/n, who was sitting on the couch in the Oracle's cave. "This puts me in so much jeopardy, y/n!" Rachel exclaimed angrily.
"I know," y/n sighed.
"I can't have you taking the position from me!" Rachel continued. "I can't-" She broke down and sat next to y/n, head in her hands.
Y/n was surprised. Rachel hadn't struck her as someone who would break down and cry before a total stranger, especially one who could take her job.
"R-rachel?" y/n asked cautiously, placing a shaking hand onto the Oracle's heaving shoulders. "A-are you okay?"
Surprising them both, Rachel moved closer to y/n and hugged her. Y/n hugged back. "I can't be with my father all the time... I hate him. He hates me!" Rachel exclaimed.
Y/n lifted Rachel's chin to look into her eyes. Their faces were mere inches apart. Rachel seemed to move closer as she parted her full lips. "Y/n...?" She trailed off as y/n closed the distance between them, kissing her. Rachel kisses her back, but before long, she pulled away. "What in the Hades..." she muttered.
"I'm sor-" y/n started.
"I have to train you. You could go insane," Rachel said flatly, standing up and facing away.
Y/n swallowed and stood up. "Y-yeah... okay," she said softly.
"Be here tomorrow at eight AM sharp," the Oracle said.

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