Thirteen(Great. Lucky Number Thirteen.)

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"You said she wouldn't get an adrenaline rush if she was a Vampire. I can put two and two together." Mackay explains. I  close my gaping mouth.

"Eh, the conversation didn't come up. Don't tell Brennen though, he's an ass to us. If he finds out we're harboring a human and claiming her family she's done for." Pheonix becomes serious.

"Why should I care. She's a silly human." Mackay argues.

"I've got the hormone. Blood transfusion thing happened when Gale was attacking me. I've got an unlimited supply." I answer. "Do you really want such an opportunity of food to go to waste?"

"Why is she okay with that?" Mackay asks Pheonix.

"Gale and I were the first Vampires she met. Why do you think?" Pheonix grins.

"Point taken. Alright Nikki, let's find you a room to stay in..." Brennen walks up to his brothers, taller than all three of us.

"PS3. Downstairs. Now." He orders, smiling a little at me. Mackenna, who was trailing behind him, waves and follows her brother away.

"So Mackenna likes Brennen and is like his shadow...?" I trail off into a question.

"She likes everyone, but thinks Brennen needs a constant companion or else he'd get really bad and lonely. I used to be his shadow, but when Mackenna was born from that witch and Daddy handed pre-kingly duties to Brennen, everything changed. I had to watch my little sister, so I couldn't keep Brennen company. Then she started walking, and now she's his shadow." Pheonix says, a little wistfully.

"Mackie's Brennen's favorite. Without her around now, he's unbearable. When Daddy provided princesses for him to date, he said his sister is the only princess for him." Makcay scowls.

"What did he do while she was in the orphanage?" I ask, walking after the boys.

"He applied as Red Royalty teacher. They've been together since Mackenna's birth. I think if she had ended up in another Royalty, he would've married her." Pheonix shrugs.

"He's ten years older and her brother! That's disgusting!" I cry out.

"In your petty human world. If you had a sibling you would understand the love between the two. A sibling understands you like no one else. Vampires recognize that and allow for siblings to marry and have children. And age is but a number, especially for Vampires." Mackay informs. I shiver.

"I would'nt want to marry my brother if I had one. A sibling is supposed to be the one who knows all your most embarrassing stories and makes fun of you for them and holds them against you, but would never spill to anyone. The one who has seen you without clothes since birth but you still feel embarrassed to be naked around. The one who fights and insults you all the time but is allowed to because you know it's all just a joke. The one who knows how to make you feel better, the one who can get rid of your nightmares without waking you up. The one who knows exactly what to do around you to make you mad, to make you upset, or to make you laugh uncontrollably. If that person suddenly became someone who you could fall in love with, they would know every bad thing about you, and everything would be awkward. You wouldn't be able to make a good impression or hide from them because they're family. That would suck." I rant on, imagining if my foster brothers fell in love with me. It would be like a real brother falling in love with me, I've lived with them since forever. At the same time, they're allowed to be in love with me because there's no relation.

"Exactly. A sibling knows all your weaknesses, your embarrassing stories, your flaws and yet they still go into your bedroom at night to make your nightmares go away, they still hug you when you're upset, and love you most of the time. Sometimes they're filled with hate, but that doesn't matter because you both will always make up. Yes, some Vampires like the security and comfort in a person who would never like you like that, someone who will understand when you tell them your stories, understand why you are who you are, and always be someone you can tell anything to. We just make it legal for brother-sister relationships if one so chooses to have one." Pheonix replies. I nod.

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