Chapter 2

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Lokina's P. O. V

The ride after Thorbella and I were pulled out of our parent's arms, was bumpy. But we were light sped to Arus and they had us all of pushed out of the jet. There stood the Arusian Royals. What looked like five teenage boys, stood in a line and us captives stood in front of them. I mean why do they need us to serve them as servants. 'Greetings and welcome future generations of earth. This is Arus. I am Shiro, oldest of the royals.' introduced the tall one in black, with a band of freckles across his face. Then the rest introduced themselves. The short one, with glasses was Pidge. The second eldests on either side of Shiro were Lance and Kieth. Kiethof course being in red and Lance in blue.

As we followed after the royals inside, I felt like I couldn't trust either of them. So when we were getting ready for training in combat we were forced to wear combat boots, baggy grey pants and longsleeves.

Thorbella's P. O. V

It was really hot and at the moment it felt like Lancer was eyeing Lokina the whole time. It was really creepy. Lokina didn't notice when I did. We all went to the locker room until an unexpected visitor walked into the girls locker room. It was Princeton Lance. I started thinking about how a pervert he was being. Lance tapped on Lokina's shoulder and the the moment she turned, he leaned in to kiss her. 'Stop you pervert!!!' Lokina shouted.

Lance continued to ignore her, in the mean time I stood there doing nothing. Anger was boiling inside Lokina and she grabbed Lance at the neck. 'Lance, my lord, I am so sorry but as a prince you can not be so disrespectful.' Lance said he was sorry to every one of us and walked out of locker room. I was glad that Lance was taught a lesson.

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