Chapter 4

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Lokina's P. O. V

I could hear loud footsteps and turned to the direction they were coming from. I feared it would be more Altean soldiers but I was wrong it was just Thorbella. The two of us hugged as tears rolled down our cheeks. 'I don' t want to lose you. ' she said.' I don't want to either. ' I said as we parted from each other.

Then out of the blue more Altean soldiers rushed in and at the same time Thorbella and I threw up our fists. We continued to fight until Thorbella fell to the ground. With me still being able to stand I continued. Shielding my cousin, I had bloody hands as some slipped down my face. Once I was done, I too collapsed to the ground and hours later, Thorbella and I woke up in an office.

Thorbella's P. O. V

The place that Lokina and I seemed to have woken up in was probably the nurse's office. Looking around, we suddenly spotted his majesty, kieth walk passed. And then we spotted prince Shiro at the door. The doorknob started to turn and we lay back down pretending to still be dreaming. Kieth walked in behind Shiro, saying 'I knew it. Putting them under pressure was an idea out of the worst. I mean look at them, all bruised and bleeding.' I peeked an eye open ever so slightly as Shiro got up all in Keith's face. 'Letting them find a way to the throne room was your idea. A test was what you wanted, Kieth.' argued Shiro and Kieth left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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