The Beginning.

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(yes I ship this shit, im a sucker for rarepairs. and btw dis is band/musician au and no quirks either luv 😍🥰😘😚😍😚😘🥰😍😍🥰)

Jiro strolled across the hard concrete roads as she was going to the studio her group worked at. She saw them waiting there for her to come, since she was the only one with keys. She picked up her pace as she noticed this and was at the studio a few seconds later. Perks of being skinny.
(I'm not skinny so I can't prove this- I'm a chubby bean and that is okay.)
"Hey you guys." She spoke, picking out the correct key from between her house key, car key, and a few more. "Hey Jiro!" Momo exclaimed with a smile. The doors finally opened and she strolled through the very large studio that included a dance room, a music room,and some extra rooms, like a gym kind of room (like the ones you would see if you did gymnastics), Etc.

They strolled through the halls and got to the music room. Jiro turned on all the equipment they needed and grabbed her bag, which included some pens and a notebook that held all her lyrics. If it wasn't obvious, Jiro was the leader, and Mina came sometimes, being the dance choreographer. Jiro writes most of the songs, everybody helping out in some way. They were all about teamwork. They loved to help eachother with anything they could. "So what are we doing today, airpods?" Bakugou asked, he always called Jiro 'airpods' Because she always wore airpods, or headphones. Like every second of the day. Hell, she probably wore them to bed for all he knew.

She pulled one of her airpods out of her ear and raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" She said, pretending as of she wasn't listening. "Ugh, I said, what are we d-" Jiro pulled a small laugh at this and looked at Bakugou. "Heh, I was joking, man. I heard you loud and clear. It's hard not to hear you because of how loud-mouthed you are. No offense, i was joking once again." She said as she saw Bakugou pull his signature scowl. "So about what we're doing. I finally finished the song I was writing for a few weeks now. So I wanted to show you guys how it goes and then I'll print out sheets of it for you guys, if it's good." Jiro explained. Tokoyami, Denki, and Momo smiled a bit, as Momo spoke. "Sweetie, everything you write is actually really good." She said, smiling. "Awh, thanks!" Jiro said. "I agree, I guess." The ash blonde added, agreeing with Momo. He didn't admit this, but he's actually liked Jiro ever since high school, which was almost 6 years ago. (They're all in their 20's b T w) But, he just kept it on the low. "Wow, that was a compliment from the explosive tempered boi? I'm honored." "Yeah, don't get used to it, airpods." Bakugou recoiled. "Alright. Anywayss! So this song is called Hero Too. As you guys know, I wanted to be a hero when I was a little girl. I always enjoyed the thought of saving people, but one, almost everybody said that I was too scrawny and weak for it, and two, we can't necessarily become literal heroes, as we live in reality. The only heros we have are cops, firemen, etcetera. So this song was made to just put out a message that we can all be heroes in this alternative universe, or in this one. We can all help eachother out. 'Ya dig?" Jiro explained. The gang always thought she had great meanings to her songs, but this one was really good. "Woah..that's actually really fuckin' cool, Airpods. And that's something, coming from me." Bakugou said, approving of the idea. Everyone else talked amongst themselves and then turned to Jiro. "It's really nice! I love the meaning to it,and literally everything about it. I can't wait to hear it!" Momo exclaimed. "Yeah!" The other boys said in unison. "Great! I'm glad you guys like it! Especially Bakugou. That shit hits different." Jiro said with a laugh. She grabbed her electric guitar from the stand in the corner and plugged it in, playing around with the knobs and stuff, not wanting it to be too loud and bass-y. (Is that a word? Prob not-) She strummed the cords, making sure it sounds fine. "Alrighty..Three..Two..One.." Jiro recited to herself, propping herself near the mic. She began to strum the correct strings of the electric guitar, making sure it went to the song.

"What am I to be..what is my calling? I gave up giving up,I'm ready to go..The futures left unseen, it all depends on me. Put it on the line to follow my dreams..yeah!" Jiro sang beautifully, looking at eveybody with a big grin on her face as she sang. Bakugou felt a small tint of red on his face as she pulled that big beautiful smile, and her beautiful singing voice. She was amazing.

"I tried all my try and find.. something that makes me whole and never let go!" She said before beginning to bounce around in the moment. "Ooohh! Hero too! I am a Hero Too! My heart is set!~ And I won't back down! Hero too!..Strength doesn't make a hero..True heroes...Stand up for what they wait and see..~" She sang the chorus as she bounced around, strumming the electric guitar happily. She felt small tears form in her eyes, as the lyrics had a huge meaning and meant alot to her. She just sucked it up as she moved her short hair out of her face, finishing the rest of the song. Once it was finished, everybody clapped and began to cheer. "Woah! That was so amazing, Jiro! I love it!" Was some of the things that everybody said. Bakugou was speechless, he just had a soft smile on his face.

Jiro was so talented, it's like she could effortlessly do all this, and perfectly. He immediately knew he loved this girl. He loved her style, her smile. Her slight dimples that appeared when she smiled, or spoke. When she had trouble speaking English sometimes, as she wasn't very fluent with the language, although all of her songs are in English..When her eyes squinted a bit when she laughed, even her laugh sounded like music. He loved this, but he hated the feeling. He always felt sort of soft when he thought of her, the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach every time. "Ah, thank you guys!" Jiro said, raising her guitar over her head, as the strap was on her shoulder, and she was done with using it. "So I'm gonna eh..print the papers, for you guys so you guys have it for what you guys are gonna do. I'll be right back, Alrighttt?" Jiro said, ripping the lyric out of the book/binder and walking across the halls and down to the office. She hummed the tune of the song as she opened the door and walked to the printer. She put in everything, beginning to print the papers. Once they printed, she grabbed them and ran back to the studio. "Alright I'm back!" She said, handing a sheet to everyone. Momo began to speak. "So! Since tomorrow is Saturday, would you guys want to go to this local trampoline park?" She asked. "Yeah, sure!" Jiro said with a smile. "Whatever." Bakugou said. He was only going because Jiro was. Everyone else agreed as they grabbed their belongings and walked out of the studio.

ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴛʜɪs ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ? - bakujiroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora